The website was running fine then suddenly it started to display this same error 404 message (The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists), Perhaps because of switching servers back and forward from Tomcat 9 to 8 and 7
In my case, i only had to update the project which was causing this error then restart the specific tomcat version. You may also need to Maven Clean and Maven Install after the "Maven Update Project"
There is one more way to solve this problem. 1)Go to Project Explorer. Go to the target folder of your project, right-click and delete the target folder. 2)Right-click on your project, select run as Maven Build. 3)After you get Build Success on the console; right click on the project folder and select refresh. After performing the above steps, try to run your project.Your problem should be solved now.
here remove .class
org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer now you wont get
I added yellow highlighted package and now my view page is accessible. in eclipse when we deploy our war it only deploy those stuff mention in the deployment assessment.
We set Deployment Assessment from right click on project --> Properties --> Apply and Close....
In case of springboot app on tomcat, I needed to create an additional class as below and this worked:
public class SpringBootTomcatApplication extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
I just solved this problem within my project. Turned out my connection string had a typo and differed from the valid database auth. credentials. Dumb mistake on my part, hopefully somebody else saves time by reading this.