First of all, I swear this is not homework, it\'s a question I was asked in an interview. I think I made a mess of it (though I did realise the solution requires recursion).
This is a standard recursion problem:
cnt = 1 // this node
if (haveRight) cnt += right.count
if (haveLeft) cnt += left.count
return cnt;
Very inefficient, and a killer if the tree is very deep, but that's recursion for ya...
I did it by preorder recurssion. Altough it doesn't exactly follow the interview format by using localRoot, but I think you get the idea.
private int countNodes(Node<E> localRoot, int count) {
if (localRoot == null)
return count;
count++; // Visit root
count = countNodes(localRoot.left, count); // Preorder-traverse (left)
count = countNodes(localRoot.right, count); // Preorder-traverse (right)
return count;
public int countNodes() {
return countNodes(root, 0);
class Tree {
Tree getRightChild() {
// Assume this is already implemented
Tree getLeftChild() {
// Assume this is already implemented
int count() {
if(this.getLeftChild() !=null && this.getRightChild()!=null)
return 1 + this.getLeftChild().count() + this.getRightChild().count();
elseif(this.getLeftChild() !=null && this.getRightChild()==null)
return 1 + this.getLeftChild().count();
elseif(this.getLeftChild() ==null && this.getRightChild()!=null)
return 1 + this.getRightChild().count();
else return 1;//left & right sub trees are null ==> count the root node
Something like this should work:
int count()
int left = getLeftChild() == null ? 0 : getLeftChild().count();
int right = getRightChild() == null ? 0 : getRightCHild().count();
return left + right + 1;
A trivial recursive solution:
int count() {
Tree l = getLeftTree();
Tree r = getRightTree();
return 1 + (l != null ? l.count() : 0) + (r != null ? r.count() : 0);
A less trivial non-recursive one:
int count() {
Stack<Tree> s = new Stack<Tree>();
int cnt = 0;
while (!s.empty()) {
Tree t = s.pop();
Tree ch = getLeftTree();
if (ch != null) s.push(ch);
ch = getRightTree();
if (ch != null) s.push(ch);
return cnt;
The latter is probably slightly more memory-efficient, because it replaces recursion with a stack and an iteration. It's also probably faster, but its hard to tell without measurements. A key difference is that the recursive solution uses the stack, while the non-recursive solution uses the heap to store the nodes.
Edit: Here's a variant of the iterative solution, which uses the stack less heavily:
int count() {
Tree t = this;
Stack<Tree> s = new Stack<Tree>();
int cnt = 0;
do {
Tree l = t.getLeftTree();
Tree r = t.getRightTree();
if (l != null) {
t = l;
if (r != null) s.push(r);
} else if (r != null) {
t = r;
} else {
t = s.empty() ? null : s.pop();
} while (t != null);
return cnt;
Whether you need a more efficient or a more elegant solution naturally depends on the size of your trees and on how often you intend to use this routine. Rembemer what Hoare said: "premature optimization is the root of all evil."
I like this better because it reads:
return count for left + count for rigth + 1
int count() {
return countFor( getLeftChild() ) + countFor( getRightChild() ) + 1;
private int countFor( Tree tree ) {
return tree == null ? 0 : tree.count();
A little more towards literate programming.
BTW, I don't like the getter/setter convention that is so commonly used on Java, I think a using leftChild() instead would be better:
return countFor( leftChild() ) + countFor( rightChild() ) + 1;
Just like Hoshua Bloch explains here at min. 32:03
If you get it rigth your code reads...
BUT, I have to admit the get/set convention is now almost part of the language. :)
For many other parts, following this strategy creates self documenting code, which is something good.
Tony: I wonder, what was your answer in the interview.