On MacOS you may also just stop Dropbox, make your changes and then relaunch Dropbox.
I am using the following combination and am quite happy with it:
In both (your local git managed project directory and your remote git repository located on Dropbox) run the following command to disable auto-packing (which is the main problem with dropbox syncing)
git config --global gc.auto 0
Then from time to time, compress the repositories with dropbox disabled. For example I do the following in my bash-build-script whenever I make new releases of my apps.
osascript -e "tell application \"Dropbox\" to quit"
# Compress local
git gc --prune=now; git repack -a -d
# Compress remote
REPOS_DIR_REMOTE=`git remote get-url --push origin`
git gc --prune=now; git repack -a -d
osascript -e "tell application \"Dropbox\" to launch"
osascript -e "display notification with title \"Compress Done\""