We are currently migrating one of our oracle databases to UTF8 and we have found a few records that are near the 4000 byte varchar limit. When we try and migrate these reco
Thanks, this worked for my purposes. BTW there is a missing single-quote in the example, above.
REGEXP_REPLACE (COLUMN,'[^' || CHR (32) || '-' || CHR (127) || ']', ' '))
I used it in a word-wrap function. Occasionally there was an embedded NewLine/ NL / CHR(10) / 0A in the incoming text that was messing things up.
In a single-byte ASCII-compatible encoding (e.g. Latin-1), ASCII characters are simply bytes in the range 0 to 127. So you can use something like [\x80-\xFF]
to detect non-ASCII characters.
You can try something like following to search for the column containing non-ascii character :
select * from your_table where your_col <> asciistr(your_col);
I wouldn't recommend it for production code, but it makes sense and seems to work:
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(COLUMN,'[^' || CHR(1) || '-' || CHR(127) || '],'')
I had a similar issue and blogged about it here. I started with the regular expression for alpha numerics, then added in the few basic punctuation characters I liked:
select dump(a,1016), a, b
(select regexp_replace(COLUMN,'[[:alnum:]/''%()> -.:=;[]','') a,
from TABLE)
where a is not null
order by a;
I used dump with the 1016 variant to give out the hex characters I wanted to replace which I could then user in a utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2.
I'm a bit late in answering this question, but had the same problem recently (people cut and paste all sorts of stuff into a string and we don't always know what it is). The following is a simple character whitelist approach:
SELECT est.clients_ref
, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890#$%^&*()_+-={}|[]:";<>?,./'
FROM edms_staging_table est