I have url like:
I want to extract user, host and path from this string. Any part can be random lengt
A simplistic approach to get just the domain from full URL:
echo https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6174220/parse-url-in-shell-script | cut -d/ -f1-3
# OUTPUT>>> https://stackoverflow.com
Get only the path:
echo https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6174220/parse-url-in-shell-script | cut -d/ -f4-
# OUTPUT>>> questions/6174220/parse-url-in-shell-script
Not perfect, as the second command strips the preceding slash so you'll need to prepend it by hand.
For getting the path only here is an awk-based version:
echo https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6174220/parse-url-in-shell-script/59971653 | awk -F"/" '{ for (i=4; i<=NF; i++) printf"/%s", $i }'
# OUTPUT>>> /questions/6174220/parse-url-in-shell-script/59971653
You can use bash string manipulation. It is easy to learn. In case you feel difficulties with regex, try it. As it is from NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_CURRENT_URI, i guess there may have port in that URI. So I also kept that optional.
#You can also use environment variable $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_CURRENT_URI
tmp=${X#*@};host=${tmp%%/*};[[ ${X#*://} == *":"* ]] && host=${host%:*}
[[ ${X#*://} == *":"* ]] && tmp=${X##*:} && port=${tmp%%/*}
echo "Potocol:"$proto" User:"$usr" Host:"$host" Port:"$port" Path:"$path
Here's my take, loosely based on some of the existing answers, but it can also cope with GitHub SSH clone URLs:
# Extract the protocol (includes trailing "://").
PARSED_PROTO="$(echo $PROJECT_URL | sed -nr 's,^(.*://).*,\1,p')"
# Remove the protocol from the URL.
# Extract the user (includes trailing "@").
PARSED_USER="$(echo $PARSED_URL | sed -nr 's,^(.*@).*,\1,p')"
# Remove the user from the URL.
# Extract the port (includes leading ":").
PARSED_PORT="$(echo $PARSED_URL | sed -nr 's,.*(:[0-9]+).*,\1,p')"
# Remove the port from the URL.
# Extract the path (includes leading "/" or ":").
PARSED_PATH="$(echo $PARSED_URL | sed -nr 's,[^/:]*([/:].*),\1,p')"
# Remove the path from the URL.
echo "proto: $PARSED_PROTO"
echo "user: $PARSED_USER"
echo "host: $PARSED_HOST"
echo "port: $PARSED_PORT"
echo "path: $PARSED_PATH"
which gives
user: git@
host: github.com
path: :heremaps/here-aaa-java-sdk.git
And for PROJECT_URL="ssh://sschuberth@git.eclipse.org:29418/jgit/jgit"
you get
proto: ssh://
user: sschuberth@
host: git.eclipse.org
port: :29418
path: /jgit/jgit
I did not like above methods and wrote my own. It is for ftp link, just replace ftp
with http
if your need it.
First line is a small validation of link, link should look like ftp://user:pass@host.com/path/to/something
if ! echo "$url" | grep -q '^[[:blank:]]*ftp://[[:alnum:]]\+:[[:alnum:]]\+@[[:alnum:]\.]\+/.*[[:blank:]]*$'; then return 1; fi
login=$( echo "$url" | sed 's|[[:blank:]]*ftp://\([^:]\+\):\([^@]\+\)@\([^/]\+\)\(/.*\)[[:blank:]]*|\1|' )
pass=$( echo "$url" | sed 's|[[:blank:]]*ftp://\([^:]\+\):\([^@]\+\)@\([^/]\+\)\(/.*\)[[:blank:]]*|\2|' )
host=$( echo "$url" | sed 's|[[:blank:]]*ftp://\([^:]\+\):\([^@]\+\)@\([^/]\+\)\(/.*\)[[:blank:]]*|\3|' )
dir=$( echo "$url" | sed 's|[[:blank:]]*ftp://\([^:]\+\):\([^@]\+\)@\([^/]\+\)\(/.*\)[[:blank:]]*|\4|' )
My actual goal was to check ftp access by url. Here is the full result:
test_ftp_url() # lftp may hang on some ftp problems, like no connection
local url="$1"
if ! echo "$url" | grep -q '^[[:blank:]]*ftp://[[:alnum:]]\+:[[:alnum:]]\+@[[:alnum:]\.]\+/.*[[:blank:]]*$'; then return 1; fi
local login=$( echo "$url" | sed 's|[[:blank:]]*ftp://\([^:]\+\):\([^@]\+\)@\([^/]\+\)\(/.*\)[[:blank:]]*|\1|' )
local pass=$( echo "$url" | sed 's|[[:blank:]]*ftp://\([^:]\+\):\([^@]\+\)@\([^/]\+\)\(/.*\)[[:blank:]]*|\2|' )
local host=$( echo "$url" | sed 's|[[:blank:]]*ftp://\([^:]\+\):\([^@]\+\)@\([^/]\+\)\(/.*\)[[:blank:]]*|\3|' )
local dir=$( echo "$url" | sed 's|[[:blank:]]*ftp://\([^:]\+\):\([^@]\+\)@\([^/]\+\)\(/.*\)[[:blank:]]*|\4|' )
exec 3>&2 2>/dev/null
exec 6<>"/dev/tcp/$host/21" || { exec 2>&3 3>&-; echo 'Bash network support is disabled. Skipping ftp check.'; return 0; }
read <&6
if ! echo "${REPLY//$'\r'}" | grep -q '^220'; then exec 2>&3 3>&- 6>&-; return 3; fi # 220 vsFTPd 3.0.2+ (ext.1) ready...
echo -e "USER $login\r" >&6; read <&6
if ! echo "${REPLY//$'\r'}" | grep -q '^331'; then exec 2>&3 3>&- 6>&-; return 4; fi # 331 Please specify the password.
echo -e "PASS $pass\r" >&6; read <&6
if ! echo "${REPLY//$'\r'}" | grep -q '^230'; then exec 2>&3 3>&- 6>&-; return 5; fi # 230 Login successful.
echo -e "CWD $dir\r" >&6; read <&6
if ! echo "${REPLY//$'\r'}" | grep -q '^250'; then exec 2>&3 3>&- 6>&-; return 6; fi # 250 Directory successfully changed.
echo -e "QUIT\r" >&6
exec 2>&3 3>&- 6>&-
return 0
test_ftp_url 'ftp://fz223free:fz223free@ftp.zakupki.gov.ru/out/nsi/nsiProtocol/daily'
echo "$?"
Using Python (best tool for this job, IMHO):
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
from urlparse import urlparse
result = urlparse(uri)
user, host = result.netloc.split('@')
path = result.path
print('user=', user)
print('host=', host)
print('path=', path)
Further reading:
If you have access to Node.js:
export MY_URI=sftp://user@host.net/some/random/path
node -e "console.log(url.parse(process.env.MY_URI).user)"
node -e "console.log(url.parse(process.env.MY_URI).host)"
node -e "console.log(url.parse(process.env.MY_URI).path)"
This will output: