In Python I need to convert a bunch of floats into hexadecimal. It needs to be zero padded (for instance, 0x00000010 instead of 0x10). Just like
if you are on micropython (which is not said in the question, but I had trouble finding) you can use this
import struct
import binascii
def float_to_hex(f):
binascii.hexlify(struct.pack('<f', f))
float_to_hex(17.5) # 0x418c0000
This is a bit tricky in python, because aren't looking to convert the floating-point value to a (hex) integer. Instead, you're trying to interpret the IEEE 754 binary representation of the floating-point value as hex.
We'll use the pack
and unpack
functions from the built-in struct library.
A float
is 32-bits. We'll first pack
it into a binary1 string, and then unpack
it as an int
def float_to_hex(f):
return hex(struct.unpack('<I', struct.pack('<f', f))[0])
float_to_hex(17.5) # Output: '0x418c0000'
We can do the same for double
, knowing that it is 64 bits:
def double_to_hex(f):
return hex(struct.unpack('<Q', struct.pack('<d', f))[0])
double_to_hex(17.5) # Output: '0x4031800000000000L'
1 - Meaning a string of raw bytes; not a string of ones and zeroes.
In Python float
is always double-precision.
If you require your answer to be output in the form of a hexadecimal integer, the question was already answered:
import struct
# define double_to_hex as in the other answer
double_to_hex(17.5) # Output: '0x4031800000000000'
double_to_hex(-17.5) # Output: '0xc031800000000000'
However you might instead consider using the builtin function:
(17.5).hex() # Output: '0x1.1800000000000p+4'
(-17.5).hex() # Output: '-0x1.1800000000000p+4'
# 0x1.18p+4 == (1 + 1./0x10 + 8./0x100) * 2**4 == 1.09375 * 16 == 17.5
This is the same answer as before, just in a more structured and human-readable format.
The lower 52 bits are the mantissa. The upper 12 bits consists of a sign bit and an 11-bit exponent; the exponent bias is 1023 == 0x3FF, so 0x403 means '4'. See Wikipedia article on IEEE floating point.
Further to Jonathon Reinhart's very helpful answer. I needed this to send a floating point number as bytes over UDP
import struct
# define double_to_hex (or float_to_hex)
def double_to_hex(f):
return hex(struct.unpack('<Q', struct.pack('<d', f))[0])
# On the UDP transmission side
doubleAsHex = double_to_hex(17.5)
doubleAsBytes = bytearray.fromhex(doubleAsHex.lstrip('0x').rstrip('L'))
# On the UDP receiving side
doubleFromBytes = struct.unpack('>d', doubleAsBytes)[0] # or '>f' for float_to_hex