I'm in the same boat. A coworker showed me the following:
Start off in bash, without the stuff in thwe environment:
bash> echo $$
bash> echo $FOO
Here's the csh file that gets source'd:
bash> cat setup-env.csh
setenv FOO "some csh stuff"
echo FOO=$FOO in csh
Here's the command:
bash> csh -c 'source setup-env.csh;exec bash'
Look at the output from csh
FOO=some csh stuff in csh
And look at the output from the new bash shell
bash> echo $$
bash> echo $FOO
some csh stuff
Now leave, and go back to the original bash shell
bash> exit
bash> echo $$
Note the echo $$ to see the process IDs, so that we can see they are different shell processes.
My coworker uses this enough that he puts it into an alias, like:
# make csh environment scripts useable (sourceable) from bash function
# from Phil McCoy, Wed Nov 9 2011
source_csh () {
exec csh -c " source $*; setenv ALREADY_SOURCED \"$ALREADY_SOURCED:$*:\"; exec bash"
# sounds like a great idea to do source_csh .cshrc or .login
# but naively done is infinitely recursive,
# since the exec'ed bash will run .bashrc
Unfortunately, I have found that I often needed not just environment variable setup, but also aliases setup, as in the modules package http://modules.sourceforge.net/.
I have been able to automate this "csh source script recipes" by using Perl Expect. But I have not been able to be as interactive as I would like, except for the above.