I\'m handling both the click and dblclick event on a DOM element. Each one carries out a different command, but I find that when double clicking on the element, in addition
Thanks to all the other answers here as the combination of them seems to provide a reasonable solution for me when the interaction requires both, but mutually exclusive:
var pendingClick = 0;
function xorClick(e) {
// kill any pending single clicks
if (pendingClick) {
pendingClick = 0;
switch (e.detail) {
case 1:
pendingClick = setTimeout(function() {
console.log('single click action here');
}, 500);// should match OS multi-click speed
case 2:
console.log('double click action here');
console.log('higher multi-click actions can be added as needed');
myElem.addEventListener('click', xorClick, false);
Update: I added a generalized version of this approach along with a click polyfill for touch devices to this Github repo with examples:
AFAIK DOM Level 2 Events makes no specification for double-click. It doesn't work for me on IE7 (there's a shock), but FF and Opera have no problem managing the spec, where I can attach all actions to the click event, but for double-click just wait till the "detail" attribute of the event object is 2. From the docs: "If multiple clicks occur at the same screen location, the sequence repeats with the detail attribute incrementing with each repetition."
const toggle = () => {
watchDouble += 1;
if (watchDouble === 2) {
console.log('double' + watchDouble)
} else if (watchDouble === 1) {
console.log("signle" + watchDouble)
watchDouble = 0
You can use UIEvent.detail if you want to detect how many times the element was clicked and fire events based on that.
A simple example:
element.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
if (e.detail === 1) {
// do something if the element was clicked once.
} else if (e.detail === 2) {
// do something else if the element was clicked twice
Summarizing, to recognize the simpleClick and doubleClick events on the same element, just treat the onClick event with this method:
var EVENT_DOUBLE_CLICK_DELAY = 220; // Adjust max delay btw two clicks (ms)
var eventClickPending = 0;
function onClick(e){
if ((e.detail == 2 ) && (eventClickPending!= 0)) {
// console.log('double click action here ' + e.detail);
eventClickPending = 0;
// call your double click method
} else if ((e.detail === 1 ) && (eventClickPending== 0)){
// console.log('sigle click action here 1');
eventClickPending= setTimeout(function() {
// console.log('Executing sigle click');
eventClickPending = 0
// call your single click method
// } else { // do nothing
// console.log('more than two clicks action here ' + e.detail);
In a comment, you said,
I delay the click handler by 300 ms (a noticeable and annoying delay) and even ...
So it sounds like what you want is that when you click then the DOM should geneate a click event immediately, except not if the click is the first click of a double-click.
To implement this feature, when you click, the DOM would need to be able to predict whether this is the final click or whether it's the first of a double-click (however I don't think is possible in general for the DOM to predict whether the user is about to click again).
What are the two distinct actions which you're trying to take on click and double-click? IMO, in a normal application you might want both events: e.g. single-click to focus on an element and then double-click to activate it.
When you must separate the events, some applications use something other than double-click: for example, they use right-click, or control-click.