It says \"FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h file not found\"
Yet I can jump-to-definition on the #import and it takes me to the file.
And once I added the #import i
I got this problem today.
It turns out I need to have my Framework search path in all three places:
1) Project Build Settings
2) App Target Build Settings
3) UnitTests Target Build Settings
My search path is:
After ensure that, the error disappeared for me.
The only solution I found was:
Remove the phonegap plugin: ionic plugin rm phonegap-facebook-plugin
Clone the next plugin git clone:
Add the plugin manually: cordova -d plugin add PATH/cordova-plugin-facebook4 --variable APP_ID="*****" --variable APP_NAME="*****"
Before this a tried to re add FacebookSDK.framework and installed the phonegap plugin facebook through a locally cloned, but the error continues.
This happens if you have imported the facebookSDK twice and after having deleting some files.
For example, I imported the facebookSDK in $project/framework but I deleted it for some reasons. Then I imported it via ~/Documents/FacebookSDK but Xcode kept the old folder and search in it by default.
I have to remove all references and files of the old import to resolve my issue.
besides adding the search path I also had to set the paths to recursive and remove "*.framework" from the "Sub Directories to Exclude" option for this to work.
Follow the instruction At step 4 Configure your Xcode Project I think you missing something. Delete the Facebook.sdk in your project and try again.