I just reviewed some really terrible code - code that sends messages on a serial port by creating a new thread to package and assemble the message in a new thread for every
...sends Messages on a serial port ... for every message a pthread is created, bits are properly set up, then the thread terminates. ...how much overhead is there when actually creating a thread?
This is highly system specific. For example, last time I used VMS threading was nightmarishly slow (been years, but from memory one thread could create something like 10 more per second (and if you kept that up for a few seconds without threads exiting you'd core)), whereas on Linux you can probably create thousands. If you want to know exactly, benchmark it on your system. But, it's not much use just knowing that without knowing more about the messages: whether they average 5 bytes or 100k, whether they're sent contiguously or the line idles in between, and what the latency requirements for the app are are all as relevant to the appropriateness of the code's thread use as any absolute measurement of thread creation overhead. And performance may not have needed to be the dominant design consideration.
There is some overhead in thread creation, but comparing it with usually slow baud rates of the serial port (19200 bits/sec being the most common), it just doesn't matter.
I have always been told that thread creation is cheap, especially when compared to the alternative of creating a process. If the program you are talking about does not have a lot of operations that need to run concurrently then threading might not be necessary, and judging by what you wrote this might well be the case. Some literature to back me up:
Threads are cheap in the sense that
They only need a stack and storage for registers therefore, threads are cheap to create.
Threads use very little resources of an operating system in which they are working. That is, threads do not need new address space, global data, program code or operating system resources.
Context switching are fast when working with threads. The reason is that we only have to save and/or restore PC, SP and registers.
More of the same here.
In Operating System Concepts 8th Edition (page 155) the authors write about the benefits of threading:
Allocating memory and resources for process creation is costly. Because threads share the resource of the process to which they belong, it is more economical to create and context-switch threads. Empirically gauging the difference in overhead can be difficult, but in general it is much more time consuming to create and manage processes than threads. In Solaris, for example, creating a process is about thirty times slower than is creating a thread, and context switching is about five times slower.
Thread creation and computing in a thread is pretty expensive. All data strucutres need to be set up, the thread registered with the kernel and a thread switch must occur so that the new thread actually gets executed (in an unspecified and unpredictable time). Executing thread.start does not mean that the thread main function is called immediately. As the article (mentioned by typoking) points out creation of a thread is cheap only compared to the creation of a process. Overall, it is pretty expensive.
I would never use a thread
In your example, it would make sense (as has already been pointed out) to create a thread that handles all of the serial communication and is eternal.
I tested with my FreeBSD PCs and got the following results:
FreeBSD 12-STABLE, Core i3-8100T, 8GB RAM: 9.523sec<br/>
FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE, Core i5-6600K, 16GB: 8.045sec
You need to do
sysctl kern.threads.max_threads_per_proc=500100
Core i3-8100T is pretty slow but the results are not very different. Rather the CPU clocks seem to be more relevant: i3-8100T 3.1GHz vs i5-6600k 3.50GHz.