In the past week or so, I\'ve noticed that Visual Studio 2010 is not recompiling code unless I force it to. This is a C# 4.0 project with WPF. I hit F5, which seems like it
Gah, I figured this out. It was naturally something stupid I did when messing around with build settings after a too-late night. Here are the things to check:
Also if multiple projects in solution, check configuration manager. If you have some projects "Any CPU" and some "x86", will be builded only projects of same arhitecture. Same with "Debug" and "Realese" config.
Had similar issue in 2020 with VS 2019 (Community Edition) and WPF project not being rebuilt (deemed as "up-to-date") even though the referenced project was rebuilt. The above advice (Tools->Options and Configuration Manager) is met in many places, though didn't work for me.
Eventually changing .csproj file and adding the following line (under ProertyGroup) worked for me: