How to detect/track/check postback in javascript(e.g in Page.isPostBack())? Any suggestion?
on Page_Load on your server-side : The following uses an overload of RegisterClientScriptBlock() that will surround our string with the needed script tags
if (Page.IsPostBack){
"IsPostBack", "var isPostBack = true;", true);
Then in your script which runs for the onLoad, check for the existence of that variable.
if (isPostBack){
//do something here
This should work for ASP.Net pages without relying on a backend supplied variable/control:
function isPostBack(frmID) {
var eventtarget = "";
var eventargument = "";
if (!!frmID) {
if (document.forms.length == 0) return false;
sForm = document.forms[0];
else {
sForm = document.getElementById(frmID);
if (!sForm) return false;
if (sForm.__EVENTTARGET) eventtarget = sForm.__EVENTTARGET.value;
else return false;
if (sForm.__EVENTARGUMENT) eventargument = sForm.__EVENTARGUMENT.value;
else return false;
if (eventtarget != "" || eventargument != "") return true;
else return false;
As JavaScript shouldn't be written with server-side code, and injecting new elements into the page seems like overkill, it seems to me that the simplest solution is to add [datat-*] attributes to the <head>
Page.Header.Attributes["data-is-postback"] IsPostBack ? "true" : "false";
This can then be accessed as:
Vanilla JS:
document.head.getAttribute('data-is-postback') === 'true';
Of course, if you treat the [data-is-postback]
attribute as a boolean attribute, you could alternatively use:
if (IsPostBack)
Page.Header.Attributes.Add("data-is-postback", "");
Vanilla JS:
<input type="hidden" id="_ispostback" value="<%=Page.IsPostBack.ToString()%>" />
Client-side Script:
function isPostBack() { //function to check if page is a postback-ed one
return document.getElementById('_ispostback').value == 'True';
PS: I have not tested it but I've done somthing similar before and it works.
I have a solution that worked for me.
// Postback catch
var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
prm.add_endRequest(function (s, e) {
alert("post back");