How to concatenate string variables in Bash

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攒了一身酷 2020-11-22 03:40

In PHP, strings are concatenated together as follows:

$foo = \"Hello\";
$foo .= \" World\";

Here, $foo becomes \"Hello World\"

  • 2020-11-22 04:07

    I don't know about PHP yet, but this works in Linux Bash. If you don't want to affect it to a variable, you could try this:

    read pp;  *# Assumes I will affect Hello to pp*
    pp=$( printf $pp ;printf ' World'; printf '!');
    echo $pp;
    >Hello World!

    You could place another variable instead of 'Hello' or '!'. You could concatenate more strings as well.

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  • 2020-11-22 04:11

    I kind of like making a quick function.

    #! /bin/sh -f
    function combo() {
        echo $@
    echo $(combo 'foo''bar')

    Yet another way to skin a cat. This time with functions :D

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  • 2020-11-22 04:13

    If what you are trying to do is to split a string into several lines, you can use a backslash:

    $ a="hello\
    > world"
    $ echo $a

    With one space in between:

    $ a="hello \
    > world"
    $ echo $a
    hello world

    This one also adds only one space in between:

    $ a="hello \
    >      world"
    $ echo $a
    hello world
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  • 2020-11-22 04:14
    foo="Hello "
    foo="$foo World"


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  • 2020-11-22 04:15

    The way I'd solve the problem is just


    For example,

    b=" World"
    echo "$c"

    which produces

    Hello World

    If you try to concatenate a string with another string, for example,

    c="$a World"

    then echo "$c" will produce

    Hello World

    with an extra space.


    doesn't work, as you may imagine, but



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  • 2020-11-22 04:16

    Here is the one through AWK:

    $ foo="Hello"
    $ foo=$(awk -v var=$foo 'BEGIN{print var" World"}')
    $ echo $foo
    Hello World
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