I am making a chat app on Android that uses google firebase to store messages that users write to each other. To display these messages to the users I read them from the dat
In addition to what's been said in Peter's answer, according to FirebaseRecyclerAdapater latest api documentation, you can create a FirebaseRecyclerAdapter
passing in a FirebaseRecyclerOptions
instance which is created by a builder. In the builder you specify a lifecycle owner so you don't have to modify either its onStart
or its onStop
private fun MainActivity.setUpFirebaseRecyclerAdapter():
FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<User, ListOnlineViewHolder> {
val options = FirebaseRecyclerOptions.Builder<User>()
.setQuery(ONLINE_USERS.limitToLast(10), User::class.java)
return object : FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<User, ListOnlineViewHolder>(options){
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ListOnlineViewHolder {
return ListOnlineViewHolder(
.inflate(R.layout.user_layout, parent, false))
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ListOnlineViewHolder, position: Int, model: User) {
The options builder is made up of a setQuery method which takes in a reference to the db and a model object; the setLifecycleOwner which takes in the activity that will trigger the adapter updates.
You need to use this:
protected void onStart() {
protected void onStop() {
Since FirebaseListAdapter
uses a listener to check for changes in the firebase database, then to being listening for data you need to add adapter.startListening()
inside the onStart()
to be able to show the data in the listview.
Then inside onStop()
(when activity is stopped), you can use adapter.stopListening()
to remove the listener and the data in the adapter.
Check this for more info: Adapter LifeCycle
If after using the above, you get a nullpointexception
or cannot resolve symbol
, you have to declare adapter
as global variable and please check the below answer: Error in startListening()