I need to check for a form input value to be a positive integer (not just an integer), and I noticed another snippet using the code below:
$i = $user_input_v
This's my solution, hope helpful :
if (is_numeric($i) && (intval($i) == floatval($i)) && intval($i) > 0)
echo "positive integer";
i check if string is numeric, second check to sure it's integer and third to sure it positive
The first example is using round
to verify that the input is an integer, and not a different numeric value (ie: a decimal).
is_int will return false if passed a string. See the PHP manual examples for is_int
To check for positive integer use:
$i = $user_input_value;
if (is_int($i) && $i > 0) {
return true; //or any other instructions
$i = $user_input_value;
if (!is_int($i) || $i < 1) {
return false; //or any other instructions
Use the one that fits your purpose as they are the same. The following examples demonstrate the difference between is_numeric()
and is_int()
is_numeric(0); // returns true
is_numeric(7); // returns true
is_numeric(-7); // returns true
is_numeric(7.2); // returns true
is_numeric("7"); // returns true
is_numeric("-7"); // returns true
is_numeric("7.2"); // returns true
is_numeric("abc"); // returns false
is_int(0); // returns true
is_int(7); // returns true
is_int(-7); // returns true
is_int(7.2); // returns false
is_int("7"); // returns false
is_int("-7"); // returns false
is_int("7.2"); // returns false
is_int("abc"); // returns false
I would do something like this:
if ((int) $i > 0) {
// this number is positive
The number gets typecast to a positive or negative number depending on the minus sign being at the front. Then compares the typecast number to being greater than 0 to determine if the number is positive.
if(preg_match('/^[1-9]\d*$/',$i)) {
//Positive and > 0
Laravel 4.2 Validation rule for positive number
It takes only positive numbers including float values.
public static $rules = array(
'field_name' => 'required|regex:/^\d*\.?\d*$/'