I am using ActionBarSherlock as a library project in a project which is a library itself. It was all working fine until I moved the project to a new computer and updated the
I had the same problem as you since I had updated the SDK. I have solved my problem by doing this (on eclipse) :
=> Java Build Path
=> Order and Export
tab => check android support v4
or Android Private Libraries
and select Okcheck Android Private Libraries
I am new to stackoverflow. However this is my solution or experience here. I solved this by Project Properties--> 'Android' on the left Panel -->Add--> Select the required support library from the drop down menu-->'Apply'-->OK
This got it done. This worked even when 'Android Private Libraries' was unchecked from 'Order and Export' of Java Build Path.
In my case I'm using 2 Android libraries which require the android support library. The problem was that both libraries had different versions of the Android support library.
To resolve the issue: Right click on the library project => Android Tools => Add Support Library.
Repeat this action for each library.
Here is simplest solution:
Right click on your project folder -> Build path -> Configure build path -> Add External Jars(From libraries tab) -> select "android-support-v4.jar" file.
(It'll be located in Android SDK folder here is generic path "android-sdk\extras\android\support\v4").
After this clean you project and happy coding...
I faced the same problem in my case i resolved it by right clicking on the project -> Buid path -> Configure Build path -> "select Android from left hand list" -> "select the check box for build project target from the right hand panel" -> click Apply -> click Ok
What worked for me was a little different than the solutions by @Sebastien and @FleshWound above in the thread.