On modern CPUs the XOR pattern is preferred. It is smaller, and faster.
Smaller actually does matter because on many real workloads one of the main factors limiting performance is i-cache misses. This wouldn't be captured in a micro-benchmark comparing the two options, but in the real world it will make code run slightly faster.
And, ignoring the reduced i-cache misses, XOR on any CPU in the last many years is the same speed or faster than MOV. What could be faster than executing a MOV instruction? Not executing any instruction at all! On recent Intel processors the dispatch/rename logic recognizes the XOR pattern, 'realizes' that the result will be zero, and just points the register at a physical zero-register. It then throws away the instruction because there is no need to execute it.
The net result is that the XOR pattern uses zero execution resources and can, on recent Intel CPUs, 'execute' four instructions per cycle. MOV tops out at three instructions per cycle.
For details see this blog post that I wrote:
Most programmers shouldn't be worrying about this, but compiler writers do have to worry, and it's good to understand the code that is being generated, and it's just frickin' cool!