I\'ve got a repeater set up and can get data to display as long as there is no html within it.
I\'ve included angular-sanitize.js
and have tried using <
You need to include the angular-sanitize.js http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.0.3/angular-sanitize.js
Add 'ngSanitize' to you module dependencies
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ngSanitize']);
Don't use the {{}}
in the attribute
<h1 ng-bind-html="item.title"></h1>
Don't use $sce.trustAsHtml()
My solution to this was to download the js file from here
I had been using the one I found in the angular git repo,
I experienced a similar issue but mine was a bit weird. Only input tags were not rendered while everything else including
did. After several hours i realised that apart from
I needed to add
to my project before the input tags worked. It was really frustrating so I hope this helps anyone in a similar situation
Encountered this issue when using a directive and the solution was not using "replace" in the code.
`ng-html-bind' was being used on a div in the templateUrl view
appDirectives.directive('helpText', [function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
//replace: true, // With this uncommented it does not work!
scope: {
displayText: '='
templateUrl: '/web/form/helptext',
link: function (scope) {
My solution was the opposite of Seglespaan. It was to use the Bower version of Angular Sanitize.
bower install angular-sanitize