I have situation where I want to change layout of activity after 3 seconds. Ho can I do that? For example application starts with splashscreen that will run for 3 seconds th
Just use the ViewSwitcher,using this one can switch between any number of layouts within the application without having to do any setContentView.
I did this using only one xml layout. I just put an extra RelativeLayout in it that represents my intro screen then I use a fadeOut Animation on it and then call .setVisibility(View.GONE).
This is part of my main.xml layout file
Then inside my activity I have this:
introLayout = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(R.id.introLayout);
Animation fadeOutAnim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(MyActivity.this, R.anim.fadeout);
You could make this run after 3 seconds by putting the startAnimation(), and the setVisibility inside of a runnable and using postDelayed() as markus mentioned. Do consider doing some work while this intro layout is on the screen though, so its not just a 3 second delay for the user. Perhaps check to see if the running version of the application is the current version or not.
You'll need to add the fadout.xml file to /res/anim/
(create the anim directory if it doesn't exist). Here is an example.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<alpha xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:fromAlpha="1.0" android:toAlpha="0.0" android:duration="700"
This leaves me to add to adnorid's post, that ViewSwitcher itself is only able to switch between 2 layouts/views. This is simply because it's hardcoded to only 2 layouts/views without deeper meaning, as far as i know. So i built my own MultipleViewSwitcher aka MVS, base on the original ViewSwitcher.java from android source. The only changes that had to be made are:
This can all be done in MultipleViewSwitcher.java alone and works like a charm.
I came accross a bunch of stuff like that where the android sources could be made much more powerful with, many times, near-no-brainer-edits. I'd like to know why that is, but that's not for this thread here.
maybe you could use a postDelayed()-call to execute a runnable that will load a new xml file by calling setContentView(R.xml.anotherxml).