I came across this post, which reports the following interview question:
Given two arrays of numbers, find if each of the two arrays have the same s
All I know is that comparison based sorting cannot possibly be faster than O(NlogN), so we can eliminate most of the "common" comparison based sorts. I was thinking of doing a bucket sort. Perhaps if this qn was asked in an interview, the best response would first be to clarify what sort of data those integers represent. For e.g., if they represent a persons age, then we know that the range of values of int is limited, and can use bucket sort at O(n). However, this will not be in place....
The usual assumption for these kinds of problems is Theta(log n)-bit words, because that's the minimum needed to index the input.
sshannin's polynomial-evaluation answer works fine over finite fields, which sidesteps the difficulties with limited-precision registers. All we need are a prime of the appropriate (easy to find under the same assumptions that support a lot of public-key crypto) or an irreducible polynomial in (Z/2)[x] of the appropriate degree (difficulty here is multiplying polynomials quickly, but I think the algorithm would be o(n log n)).
If we can modify the input with the restriction that it must maintain the same set, then it's not too hard to find space for radix sort. Select the (n/log n)th element from each array and partition both arrays. Sort the size-(n/log n) pieces and compare them. Now use radix sort on the size-(n - n/log n) pieces. From the previously processed elements, we can obtain n/log n bits, where bit i is on if a[2*i] > a[2*i + 1] and off if a[2*i] < a[2*i + 1]. This is sufficient to support a radix sort with n/(log n)^2 buckets.
I'll assume that the integers in question are of fixed size (eg. 32 bit).
Then, radix-quicksorting both arrays in place (aka "binary quicksort") is constant space and O(n).
In case of unbounded integers, I believe (but cannot proof, even if it is probably doable) that you cannot break the O(n k) barrier, where k is the number of digits of the greatest integer in either array.
Whether this is better than O(n log n) depends on how k is assumed to scale with n, and therefore depends on what the interviewer expects of you.
Here is a co-rp algorithm:
In linear time, iterate over the first array (A), building the polynomial Pa = A[0] - x)(A[1] -x)...(A[n-1] - x). Do the same for array B, naming this polynomial Pb.
We now want to answer the question "is Pa = Pb?" We can check this probabilistically as follows. Select a number r uniformly at random from the range [0...4n] and compute d = Pa(r) - Pb(r) in linear time. If d = 0, return true; otherwise return false.
Why is this valid? First of all, observe that if the two arrays contain the same elements, then Pa = Pb, so Pa(r) = Pb(r) for all r. With this in mind, we can easily see that this algorithm will never erroneously reject two identical arrays.
Now we must consider the case where the arrays are not identical. By the Schwart-Zippel Lemma, P(Pa(r) - Pb(r) = 0 | Pa != Pb) < (n/4n). So the probability that we accept the two arrays as equivalent when they are not is < (1/4).
You can try a probabilistic approach by choosing a commutative function for accumulation (eg, addition or XOR) and a parametrized hash function.
unsigned addition(unsigned a, unsigned b);
unsigned hash(int n, int h_type);
unsigned hash_set(int* a, int num, int h_type){
unsigned rez = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
rez = addition(rez, hash(a[i], h_type));
return rez;
In this way the number of tries before you decide that the probability of false positive will be below a certain treshold will not depend on the number of elements, so it will be linear.
EDIT: In general case the probability of sets being the same is very small, so this O(n) check with several hash functions can be used for prefiltering: to decide as fast as possible if they are surely different or if there is a probability of them being equivalent, and if a slow deterministic method should be used. The final average complexity will be O(n), but worst case scenario will have the complexity of the determenistic method.
If the arrays have the same size, and there are guaranteed to be no duplicates, sum each of the arrays. If the sum of the values is different, then they contain different integers.
Edit: You can then sum the log of the entries in the arrays. If that is also the same, then you have the same entries in the array.