I came across this post, which reports the following interview question:
Given two arrays of numbers, find if each of the two arrays have the same s
You can break the O(n*log(n)) barrier if you have some restrictions on the range of numbers. But it's not possible to do this if you cannot use any extra memory (you need really silly restrictions to be able to do that).
I would also like to note that even O(nlog(n)) with sorting is not trivial if you have O(1) space limit as merge sort uses O(n) space and quicksort (which is not even strict o(nlog(n)) needs O(log(n)) space for the stack. You have to use heapsort or smoothsort.
Some companies like to ask questions which cannot be solved and I think it is a good practice, as a programmer you have to know both what's possible and how to code it and also know what are the limits so you don't waste your time on something that's not doable.
Check this question for a couple of good techniques to use: Algorithm to tell if two arrays have identical members
For each integer i
check that the number of occurrences of i
in the two arrays are either both zero or both nonzero, by iterating over the arrays.
Since the number of integers is constant the total runtime is O(n)
No, I wouldn't do this in practice.
You said "without extra space" in the question but I assume that you actually mean "with O(1) extra space".
Suppose that all the integers in the arrays are less than k. Then you can use in-place radix sort to sort each array in time O(n log k) with O(log k) extra space (for the stack, as pointed out by yi_H in comments), and compare the sorted arrays in time O(n log k). If k does not vary with n, then you're done.
A special, not harder case is when one array holds 1,2,..,n. This was discussed many times:
and despite many tries no deterministic solutions using O(1) space and O(n) time were shown. Either you can cheat the requirements in some way (reuse input space, assume integers are bounded) or use probabilistic test.
Probably this is an open problem.
Was just thinking if there was a way you could hash the cumulative of both arrays and compare them, assuming the hashing function doesn't produce collisions from two differing patterns.
In the algebraic decision tree model, there are known Omega(NlogN) lower bounds for computing set intersection (irrespective of the space limits).
For instance, see here: http://compgeom.cs.uiuc.edu/~jeffe/teaching/497/06-algebraic-tree.pdf
So unless you do clever bit manipulations/hashing type approaches, you cannot do better than NlogN.
For instance, if you used only comparisons, you cannot do better than NlogN.