Using react navigation, navigate from a screen in a navigator to a screen in a different navigator.
If I have the following
While working on a react-native project, i came across same situation. I have tried multiple ways in navigating to screen but failed.
After many trials, I tried passing parents navigation object to children and made a navigation function call and it worked.
Now coming to your issues, If you want to navigation from screen D to screen A do follow these steps.
-> Pass nested navigator 2 navigation props to its children using screenProps.
export default class Home extends Component {
static navigationOptions = {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
profileData: this.props.navigation.state.params,
route_index: '',
render() {
return (
<ParentNavigator screenProps={this.props.navigation} />
export const ParentNavigator = StackNavigator({
// ScreenName : { screen : importedClassname }
Nested1: { screen: nested1 },
Nested2: { screen : nestes1 }
export const nested1 = StackNavigator({
ScreenA: { screen: screenA },
ScreenB: { screen : screenB }
export const nested2 = StackNavigator({
ScreenC: { screen: screenC },
ScreenD: { screen : screenD }
You can receive the navigation in children using
const {navigate} = this.props.screenProps.navigation;
Now this navigate() can be used to navigate between children.
I accept that this process is little confusing but i couldn't find any solutions so had to go with this as i have to complete my requirement.
try this,
Parent Navigator
Nested Navigator 1
screen A
screen B
Nested Navigator 2
screen A
screen C
screen D
and then, there is no need to go A in 1 from D in 2, you can just go A from D both in 2, you can check here image or A stack navigator for each tab