I\'m doing a program using Slim 2 that uses Twig as my templating engine. so It uses the syntax {{ foo }}
in php file. On the other hand, I\'m using vue.js, it
Also, for those who don't want to change vue's delimiter, you can change Twig delimiter (using Silex php framework in this example):
$app->before(function() use ($app){
$app['twig']->setLexer( new Twig_Lexer($app['twig'], [
'tag_comment' => ['[#', '#]'],
'tag_block' => ['[%', '%]'],
'tag_variable' => ['[[', ']]'],
'interpolation' => ['#[', ']'],
I'm using VueJs v2, with the syntax bellow:
<img id="bookCover" style="border:none;width:200px" :src="book.cover">
Where book.cover is one of the myVueInstance.$data.book fields.
Here's the docs
I read in another similar question to do:
{{"{{vue.js variable here}}"}}
to make it shorter. It works in SOME cases for me. But, thought you might like to see it anyway...
I didn't yet succeed to get it to work in all areas of my code.
The best solution is not to change either ones delimiter.
You can use the vuejs markup in twig like so
{{ mytwigvar }} {{ '{{' }} myvuevar {{ '}}' }}
This obviously is suboptimal, so redefine your twig loader to preprocess files and replace {{{
with {{ '{{' }}
and }}}
with {{ '}}' }}
then you can write the markup as
{{ mytwigvar }} {{{ myvuevar }}}
Much nicer.