I am new to node and running into this error on a simple tutorial.
I am on the OS X 10.8.2 trying this from CodeRunner and the Terminal. I have also tried putting my
Check with starting mysql in terminal. Use below command
mysql-ctl start
In my case its worked
Chances are you are struggling with the node.js dying whenever the server you are calling refuses to connect. Try this:
process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) {
This keeps your server running and also give you a place to attach the debugger and look for a deeper problem.
You need to have a server running on port 8080 when you run the code above that simply returns the request back through the response. Copy the code below to a separate file (say 'server.js') and start this server using the node command (node server.js). You can then separately run your code above (node app.js) from a separate command line.
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function(request, response){
//The following code will print out the incoming request text
}).listen(8080, '');
console.log('Listening on port 8080...');
Run server.js from a different command line and client.js from a different command line
I was having the same issue with ghost and heroku.
heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production
solved it!
Check your config and env that the server is running on.
People run into this error when the Node.js process is still running and they are attempting to start the server again. Try this:
ps aux | grep node
This will print something along the lines of:
user 7668 4.3 1.0 42060 10708 pts/1 Sl+ 20:36 0:00 node server
user 7749 0.0 0.0 4384 832 pts/8 S+ 20:37 0:00 grep --color=auto node
In this case, the process will be the one with the pid 7668. To kill it and restart the server, run kill -9 7668