I want to download this picture using Ruby. How do I do that?
I am using Mac O
If you want to download all the images on one page, you can use the image_downloader gem:
require 'rubygems'
require 'image_downloader'
downloader = ImageDownloader::Process.new('www.test.com','img_dir/')
downloader.parse(:any_looks_like_image => true)
To make things cleaner I would suggest you use the File's name itself when you save the image. I had an issue saving bulk images because they were not formated correctly. The images were saved like this:
Thats why you should probably use the image name as the file name like this:
src = 'http://www.asite.com/pic.jpg'
agent.get(src).save "#{folder}/#{File.basename(src)}"
File.basename takes the image url and just returns the the actual image name:
# returns the image name