How can I count lines using the standard classes, fstream
and ifstream
Divide the file size by the average number of characters per line!
kernel methods following @Abhay
A complete code I've done :
size_t count_line(istream &is)
// skip when bad
if( is.bad() ) return 0;
// save state
std::istream::iostate state_backup = is.rdstate();
// clear state
std::istream::streampos pos_backup = is.tellg();
size_t line_cnt;
size_t lf_cnt = std::count(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(is), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(), '\n');
line_cnt = lf_cnt;
// if the file is not end with '\n' , then line_cnt should plus 1
if( is.get() != '\n' ) { ++line_cnt ; }
// recover state
is.clear() ; // previous reading may set eofbit
return line_cnt;
it will not change the origin file stream state and including '\n'-miss situation processing for the last line.
This is the correct version of Craig W. Wright's answer:
int numLines = 0;
ifstream in("file.txt");
std::string unused;
while ( std::getline(in, unused) )
How about this :-
std::ifstream inFile("file");
std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(), '\n');
int numLines = 0;
ifstream in("file.txt");
//while ( ! in.eof() )
while ( in.good() )
std::string line;
std::getline(in, line);
There is a question of how you treat the very last line of the file if it does not end with a newline. Depending upon what you're doing you might want to count it and you might not. This code counts it.
int aNumOfLines = 0;
ifstream aInputFile(iFileName);
string aLineStr;
while (getline(aInputFile, aLineStr))
if (!aLineStr.empty())
return aNumOfLines;