I have 2 lists, both of which contain same number of dictionaries. Each dictionary has a unique key. There is a match for each dictionary of the first list in the second lis
I have a version that actually does not depends on a particular key, so the elements are equal (zero) or they are not (non-zer):
list_1 = [{'unique_id':'001', 'key1':'AAA', 'key2':'BBB', 'key3':'EEE'}, {'unique_id':'002', 'key1':'AAA', 'key2':'CCC', 'key3':'FFF'}]
list_2 = [{'unique_id':'001', 'key1':'AAA', 'key2':'DDD', 'key3':'EEE'}, {'unique_id':'002', 'key1':'AAA', 'key2':'CCC', 'key3':'FFF'}]
list_3 = [{'Name': 'Abid', 'Age': 27},{'Name': 'Mahnaz', 'Age': 27}]
list_4 = [{'Name': 'Abid', 'Age': 27},{'Name': 'Mahnaz', 'Age': 27}]
print cmp(list_1,list_1)
print cmp(list_1,list_3)
print cmp(list_1,list_2)
print cmp(list_2,list_1)
print cmp(list_3,list_4)
Return Value : 0
Return Value : 1
Return Value : -1
Return Value : 1
Return Value : 0
def new_change(old_list, new_list):
change_list = []
for x in new_list:
for y in old_list:
if x['unique_id'] != y['unique_id']:
return change_list
pass old and new list in side of this method
The following compares the dictionaries and prints the non-equal items:
for d1, d2 in zip(list_1, list_2):
for key, value in d1.items():
if value != d2[key]:
print key, value, d2[key]
Output: key2 BBB DDD
. By using zip
we can iterate over two dictionaries at a time. We then iterate over the items of the first dictionary and compare the value with the corresponding value in the second dictionary. If these are not equal, then we print the key and both values.
The fastest and most comprehensive way would be, to use two sets
of tuples
set_list1 = set(tuple(sorted(d.items())) for d in list1)
set_list2 = set(tuple(sorted(d.items())) for d in list2)
Find overlapping using intersection
set_overlapping = set_list1.intersection(set_list2)
Find difference using symmetric_difference
set_difference = set_list1.symmetric_difference(set_list2)
Convert tuple
back to dict
for tuple_element in set_difference:
list_dicts_difference.append(dict((x, y) for x, y in tuple_element))
Assuming that the dicts line up like in your example input, you can use the zip()
function to get a list of associated pairs of dicts, then you can use any()
to check if there is a difference:
>>> list_1 = [{'unique_id':'001', 'key1':'AAA', 'key2':'BBB', 'key3':'EEE'},
{'unique_id':'002', 'key1':'AAA', 'key2':'CCC', 'key3':'FFF'}]
>>> list_2 = [{'unique_id':'001', 'key1':'AAA', 'key2':'DDD', 'key3':'EEE'},
{'unique_id':'002', 'key1':'AAA', 'key2':'CCC', 'key3':'FFF'}]
>>> pairs = zip(list_1, list_2)
>>> any(x != y for x, y in pairs)
Or to get the differing pairs:
>>> [(x, y) for x, y in pairs if x != y]
[({'key3': 'EEE', 'key2': 'BBB', 'key1': 'AAA', 'unique_id': '001'}, {'key3': 'EEE', 'key2': 'DDD', 'key1': 'AAA', 'unique_id': '001'})]
You can even get the keys which don't match for each pair:
>>> [[k for k in x if x[k] != y[k]] for x, y in pairs if x != y]
Possibly together with the associated values:
>>> [[(k, x[k], y[k]) for k in x if x[k] != y[k]] for x, y in pairs if x != y]
[[('key2', 'BBB', 'DDD')]]
NOTE: In case you're input lists are not sorted yet, you can do that easily as well:
>>> from operator import itemgetter
>>> list_1, list_2 = [sorted(l, key=itemgetter('unique_id'))
for l in (list_1, list_2)]
Let list1 = []
list2 = []
To fetch all the key values we can do like this:
key_values = list1[0]
key = key_values.keys() //key is a list and contains all key values
below is a piece of code which compares all the key pair values:
for val in list1:
first_key = key[0]
for val2 in list2:
if val2[first_key] == val[first_key]:
for val3 in key:
if val2[val3] != val[val3]:
print unmatched
Above contains matches dictionary and prints for which all key, pair values didn't match.