I have an iOS project written with Objective-C. I created an Swift class in the project, the bridging header file for accessing objective-c in Swift is generated successfull
#import "YourModule-Swift.h"
(Example, Project named CData
Same as Step 1, Go to Build Settings and search for "Defines Module", set both values to YES
Create a class that extends NSObject
on .swift
Build the project again
Import YourModule-Swift.h
file on .m file (Please notice it's case sensitive, Mymodule
!== MyModule
OMG.. the actual import statement was not "class-Swift.h" but rather "projectname-Swift.h"
You can find the name of the file if you look under build settings->Swift Compiler Code Generation -> Objective-C Generated Interface Header Name
The file was not generated when I dragged in Swift source into the GUI. Only when I right-clicked->Add file to "project". It then asked to generate the header files.
For me the solution was to create a new target. For an unknown reason, the target that I had didn't have that "Swift Compiler - General" settings and thus no to "Objective-C Generated Interface Header Name" field. Having that field specified in the project was not enough.
My addition to Daniel Kroms answer:
Never add -Swift.h Header to header. Even if it seems to work. Add the Import to .m file only!
In case you use in your header swift classes, make a forward declaration with @class swiftclassname before your @interface
Then you will see your real errors in your code.
For me, the problem was that I had bitcode on. When I clicked on the "Update to recommended project settings", it changed a few settings which probably the culprit. I turned "Enabled Bitcode" to "No" in the Build Settings and it is fixed now.
I was stacked this for a quite a while. In my case, my target name is something like "my-app" using dash as a part of target name. I tried to #import "my-app-Swift.h"
, but Xcode kept giving me errors.
I dug under 'DerivedData' folder and I found "my_app-Swift.h". So if you are using some interesting characters for the target name. You may try replace those with underscore _