I want to get the date of the next Monday or Thursday (or today if it is Mon or Thurs). As Moment.js works within the bounds of a Sunday - Saturday, I\'m having to work out
get the next monday using moment
moment().startOf('isoWeek').add(1, 'week');
Most of these answers do not address the OP's question. Andrejs Kuzmins' is the best, but I would improve on it a little more so the algorithm accounts for locale.
var nextMoOrTh = moment().isoWeekday([1,4,4,4,8,8,8][moment().isoWeekday()-1]);
Here's e.g. next Monday:
var chosenWeekday = 1 // Monday
var nextChosenWeekday = chosenWeekday < moment().weekday() ? moment().weekday(chosenWeekday + 7) : moment().weekday(chosenWeekday)
The following can be used to get any next weekday date from now (or any date)
var weekDayToFind = moment().day('Monday').weekday(); //change to searched day name
var searchDate = moment(); //now or change to any date
while (searchDate.weekday() !== weekDayToFind){
searchDate.add(1, 'day');