So I\'ve been doing some digging around and I\'ve been trying to piece together a function that generates a valid v4 UUID in PHP. This is the closest I\'ve been able to come
From tom, on
$r = unpack('v*', fread(fopen('/dev/random', 'r'),16));
$uuid = sprintf('%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x',
$r[1], $r[2], $r[3], $r[4] & 0x0fff | 0x4000,
$r[5] & 0x3fff | 0x8000, $r[6], $r[7], $r[8])
If you use CakePHP
you can use their method CakeText::uuid();
from the CakeText class to generate a RFC4122 uuid.
In my search for a creating a v4 uuid, I came first to this page, then found this on
function guidv4()
if (function_exists('com_create_guid') === true)
return trim(com_create_guid(), '{}');
$data = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16);
$data[6] = chr(ord($data[6]) & 0x0f | 0x40); // set version to 0100
$data[8] = chr(ord($data[8]) & 0x3f | 0x80); // set bits 6-7 to 10
return vsprintf('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', str_split(bin2hex($data), 4));
credit: pavel.volyntsev
Edit: to clarify, this function will always give you a v4 uuid (PHP >= 5.3.0).
When the com_create_guid function is available (usually only on Windows), it will use that and strip the curly braces.
If not present (Linux), it will fall back on this strong random openssl_random_pseudo_bytes function, it will then uses vsprintf to format it into v4 uuid.
Anyone using composer dependencies, you might want to consider this library:
It doesn't get any easier than this:
Use Symfony Polyfill / Uuid
Then you can just generate uuid as native php function:
$uuid = uuid_create(UUID_TYPE_RANDOM);
More about it, read in official Symfony blop post -
on unix systems, use the system kernel to generate a uuid for you.
Credit Samveen on
Note!: Using this method to get a uuid does in fact exhaust the entropy pool, very quickly! I would avoid using this where it would be called frequently.