openTab = function () {
You can do this all within your controller by using the $window service here. $window is a wrapper around the global browser object window.
To make this work inject $window into you controller as follows
.controller('exampleCtrl', ['$scope', '$window',
function($scope, $window) {
$scope.redirectToGoogle = function(){
$'', '_blank');
this works well when redirecting to dynamic routes
You should use the $location
Angular docs:
I solved this question this way.
<a class="btn btn-primary" target="_blank" ng-href="{{url}}" ng-mousedown="openTab()">newTab</a>
$scope.openTab = function() {
$scope.url = '';
Proper HTML way: just surround your button with anchor element and add attribute target="_blank". It is as simple as that:
<a ng-href="{{yourDynamicURL}}" target="_blank">
<h1>Open me in new Tab</h1>
where you can set in the controller:
$scope.yourDynamicURL = '';