I have a field that does not need any white spaces. I need to remove any as they are entered. Here\'s what I\'m trying... no luck so far
Use jQuery trim to remove leading and trailing white space
$.trim(" test case "); // 'test case'
To remove all whitespace...
" test ing ".replace(/\s+/g, ''); // 'testing'
To remove whitespace as it is entered...
$('#noSpacesField').bind('input', function(){
$(this).val(function(_, v){
return v.replace(/\s+/g, '');
Live Example
If you only wanna put numbers, try this! :D
if(isNaN($(this).val())) {
$(this).val($(this).val().replace(/ +?/g, ''));
$('#noSpacesField').keyup(function() {
$(this).val($(this).val().replace(/ +?/g, ''));
This will remove spaces as you type, and will also remove the tab char.
We can achieve the desired outcome with pure javascript.
<input type="text" id="whiteSP" onChange={ (e)=>removeSpace(e) } />
Js Function
function removeSpace(e){
let val = (e.target.value).trim();
However on a form submit button clicked
console.log( ( (" test case ").trim() ).replace(" ", "") )