If you want to store your data in server there is a simple way with PHP and MySQL. What you have to do is:
Get what ever data you want from your server just in single string (code is below):
$server_name = "localhost";
$server_user = "Er.Ellison";
$server_pass = "supersecretPassword";
$server_db = "game_test_db";
$connection = new mysqli($server_name , $server_user , $server_pass , $server_db);
if(!$connection) {
die("Connection failed !" . mysqli_connect_error());
$query = "SELECT * FROM items";
$result = mysqli_query($connection , $query);
if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0){
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
echo "id:" . $row['id'] . "|username:" . $row['username'] . "|type:" . $row['type'] . "|score:" . $row['score'] . ";";
And note that you MUST SEPARATE ANY string you want with a ; or any thing that you are comfortable with that and remember that we going to use it in C# in Unity.
Now you should get the data from your web like this (it will be a long string):
Now go to the Unity and create a C# script and attached that to what ever object in your scene and open the script up, then use this kind of code to manipulate the data that you retrieved from your database:
public class DataLoader : MonoBehaviour {
public string[] items;
// Use this for initialization
IEnumerator Start () {
WWW itemsData = new WWW ("http://localhost/_game/test/itemsdata.php");
yield return itemsData;
string itemsDataStrign = itemsData.text;
print (itemsDataStrign);
items = itemsDataStrign.Split (';');
print (GetDataValue(items[0] , "cost:"));
string GetDataValue(string data, string index) {
string value = data.Substring (data.IndexOf(index) + index.Length);
if (value.Contains ("|")) {
value = value.Remove (value.IndexOf("|"));
return value;
You just NOW retrieved data from database, check the image from unity console:
I made this for who that may be, like me, stuck in database problems!