I have a C++ callback function that calls into Python using ctypes. This function\'s parameters are a pointer to an array of double and the number of elements.
If Data
were (c_double*DataLength.value)
array then you could:
a = np.frombuffer(Data) # no copy. Changes in `a` are reflected in `Data`
If Data
is a POINTER(c_double)
you could get numpy array using numpy.fromiter(). It is the same loop as in your question but faster:
a = np.fromiter(Data, dtype=np.float, count=DataLength.value) # copy
To create a numpy array from POINTER(c_double)
instance without copying you could use .from_address() method:
ArrayType = ctypes.c_double*DataLength.value
addr = ctypes.addressof(Data.contents)
a = np.frombuffer(ArrayType.from_address(addr))
array_pointer = ctypes.cast(Data, ctypes.POINTER(ArrayType))
a = np.frombuffer(array_pointer.contents)
Both methods convert POINTER(c_double)
instance to (c_double*DataLength)
before passing it to numpy.frombuffer().
Is there anyway to load the data from the C++ array and then convert it to an array fit for scipy?
Here's C extension module for Python (written in Cython) that provide as C API the conversion function:
cimport numpy as np
np.import_array() # initialize C API to call PyArray_SimpleNewFromData
cdef public api tonumpyarray(double* data, long long size) with gil:
if not (data and size >= 0): raise ValueError
cdef np.npy_intp dims = size
#NOTE: it doesn't take ownership of `data`. You must free `data` yourself
return np.PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, &dims, np.NPY_DOUBLE, <void*>data)
It could be used with ctypes
as follows:
from ctypes import (PYFUNCTYPE, py_object, POINTER, c_double, c_longlong,
pydll, CFUNCTYPE, c_bool, cdll)
import pointer2ndarray
tonumpyarray = PYFUNCTYPE(py_object, POINTER(c_double), c_longlong)(
("tonumpyarray", pydll.LoadLibrary(pointer2ndarray.__file__)))
@CFUNCTYPE(c_bool, POINTER(c_double), c_longlong)
def callback(data, size):
a = tonumpyarray(data, size)
# call scipy functions on the `a` array here
return True
cpplib = cdll.LoadLibrary("call_callback.so") # your C++ lib goes here
Where call_callback
is: void call_callback(bool (*)(double *, long long)).