I\'m looking for a simple way of parsing complex text files into a pandas DataFrame. Below is a sample file, what I want the result to look like after parsing, and my curren
here is my suggestion using split and pd.concat ("txt" stands for a copy of the original text in the question), basicly the idea is to split by the group words and then concat into data frames, the most inner parsing takes advantage of the fact that the names and grades are in a csv like format. here goes:
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
schools = txt.lower().split('school = ')
schools_dfs = []
for school in schools[1:]:
grades = school.split('grade = ')
grades_dfs = []
for grade in grades[1:]:
features = grade.split('student number,')
feature_dfs = []
for feature in features[1:]:
feature_df = pd.concat(feature_dfs, axis=1)
feature_df['grade'] = features[0].replace('\n','')
grades_df = pd.concat(grades_dfs)
grades_df['school'] = grades[0].replace('\n','')
schools_df = pd.concat(schools_dfs)
schools_df.set_index(['school', 'grade'])
In a similar manner to your original code I define the parsing regex's
import re
import pandas as pd
parse_re = {
'school': re.compile(r'School = (?P<school>.*)$'),
'grade': re.compile(r'Grade = (?P<grade>\d+)'),
'student': re.compile(r'Student number, (?P<info>\w+)'),
'data': re.compile(r'(?P<number>\d+), (?P<value>.*)$'),
def parse(line):
'''parse the line by regex search against possible line formats
returning the id and match result of first matching regex,
or None if no match is found'''
return reduce(lambda (i,m),(id,rx): (i,m) if m else (id, rx.search(line)),
parse_re.items(), (None,None))
then loop through the lines gathering the information about each student. Once the record is complete (when we have Score
the record is complete) we append the record to a list.
A small state machine that is driven by the line by line regex matches collates each record. In particular we have to save the students in a grade by number as their Score and Name are provided separately in the input file.
results = []
with open('sample.txt') as f:
record = {}
for line in f:
id, match = parse(line)
if match is None:
if id == 'school':
record['School'] = match.group('school')
elif id == 'grade':
record['Grade'] = int(match.group('grade'))
names = {} # names is a number indexed dictionary of student names
elif id == 'student':
info = match.group('info')
elif id == 'data':
number = int(match.group('number'))
value = match.group('value')
if info == 'Name':
names[number] = value
elif info == 'Score':
record['Student number'] = number
record['Name'] = names[number]
record['Score'] = int(value)
Finally the list of records is converted to a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['School', 'Grade', 'Student number', 'Name', 'Score'])
print df
School Grade Student number Name Score
0 Riverdale High 1 0 Phoebe 3
1 Riverdale High 1 1 Rachel 7
2 Riverdale High 2 0 Angela 6
3 Riverdale High 2 1 Tristan 3
4 Riverdale High 2 2 Aurora 9
5 Hogwarts 1 0 Ginny 8
6 Hogwarts 1 1 Luna 7
7 Hogwarts 2 0 Harry 5
8 Hogwarts 2 1 Hermione 10
9 Hogwarts 3 0 Fred 0
10 Hogwarts 3 1 George 0
Some optimizations would be to compare the most common regex's first and to explicitly skip blank lines. Building the dataframe as we go would avoid extra copies of the data but I gather that appending to a dataframe is an expensive operation.
I would suggest using a parser combinator library like parsy. Compared to using regexes, the result will not be as concise, but it will be much more readable and robust, while still being relatively light-weight.
Parsing is in general quite a hard task, and an approach that is good for people at beginner level for general programming might be hard to find.
Some actual example code that does minimal parsing of your supplied example. It does not pass to pandas, or even match up names to scores, or students to grades etc. - it just returns a hierarchy of objects starting with School
at the top, with the relevant attributes as you would expect:
from parsy import string, regex, seq
import attr
class Student():
name = attr.ib()
number = attr.ib()
class Score():
score = attr.ib()
number = attr.ib()
class Grade():
grade = attr.ib()
students = attr.ib()
scores = attr.ib()
class School():
name = attr.ib()
grades = attr.ib()
integer = regex(r"\d+").map(int)
student_number = integer
score = integer
student_name = regex(r"[^\n]+")
student_def = seq(student_number.tag('number') << string(", "),
student_name.tag('name') << string("\n")).combine_dict(Student)
student_def_list = string("Student number, Name\n") >> student_def.many()
score_def = seq(student_number.tag('number') << string(", "),
score.tag('score') << string("\n")).combine_dict(Score)
score_def_list = string("Student number, Score\n") >> score_def.many()
grade_value = integer
grade_def = string("Grade = ") >> grade_value << string("\n")
school_grade = seq(grade_def.tag('grade'),
student_def_list.tag('students') << regex(r"\n*"),
score_def_list.tag('scores') << regex(r"\n*")
school_name = regex(r"[^\n]+")
school_def = string("School = ") >> school_name << string("\n")
school = seq(school_def.tag('name'),
def parse(text):
return school.many().parse(text)
This is much more verbose than a regex solution, but much closer to a declarative definition of your file format.
This answer has received quite some attention so I felt to add another possibility, namely a parsing option. Here we could use a PEG
parser instead (e.g. parsimonious) in combination with a NodeVisitor
from parsimonious.grammar import Grammar
from parsimonious.nodes import NodeVisitor
import pandas as pd
grammar = Grammar(
schools = (school_block / ws)+
school_block = school_header ws grade_block+
grade_block = grade_header ws name_header ws (number_name)+ ws score_header ws (number_score)+ ws?
school_header = ~"^School = (.*)"m
grade_header = ~"^Grade = (\d+)"m
name_header = "Student number, Name"
score_header = "Student number, Score"
number_name = index comma name ws
number_score = index comma score ws
comma = ws? "," ws?
index = number+
score = number+
number = ~"\d+"
name = ~"[A-Z]\w+"
ws = ~"\s*"
tree = grammar.parse(data)
class SchoolVisitor(NodeVisitor):
output, names = ([], [])
current_school, current_grade = None, None
def _getName(self, idx):
for index, name in self.names:
if index == idx:
return name
def generic_visit(self, node, visited_children):
return node.text or visited_children
def visit_school_header(self, node, children):
self.current_school = node.match.group(1)
def visit_grade_header(self, node, children):
self.current_grade = node.match.group(1)
self.names = []
def visit_number_name(self, node, children):
index, name = None, None
for child in node.children:
if child.expr.name == 'name':
name = child.text
elif child.expr.name == 'index':
index = child.text
self.names.append((index, name))
def visit_number_score(self, node, children):
index, score = None, None
for child in node.children:
if child.expr.name == 'index':
index = child.text
elif child.expr.name == 'score':
score = child.text
name = self._getName(index)
# build the entire entry
entry = (self.current_school, self.current_grade, index, name, score)
sv = SchoolVisitor()
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(sv.output, columns = ['School', 'Grade', 'Student number', 'Name', 'Score'])
Well then, watching Lord of the Rings the xth time, I had to bridge some time to the very finale:
Student\ number,\ Name[\n\r]
Student\ number,\ Score[\n\r]
The rest is a generator expression which is then fed into the DataFrame
constructor (along with the column names).
import pandas as pd, re
rx_school = re.compile(r'''
rx_grade = re.compile(r'''
rx_student_score = re.compile(r'''
Student\ number,\ Name[\n\r]
Student\ number,\ Score[\n\r]
result = ((school.group('school_name'), grade.group('grade'), student_number, name, score)
for school in rx_school.finditer(string)
for grade in rx_grade.finditer(school.group('school_content'))
for student_score in rx_student_score.finditer(grade.group('students'))
for student in zip(student_score.group('student_names')[:-1].split("\n"), student_score.group('student_scores')[:-1].split("\n"))
for student_number in [student[0].split(", ")[0]]
for name in [student[0].split(", ")[1]]
for score in [student[1].split(", ")[1]]
df = pd.DataFrame(result, columns = ['School', 'Grade', 'Student number', 'Name', 'Score'])
rx_school = re.compile(r'^School\s*=\s*(?P<school_name>.+)(?P<school_content>[\s\S]+?)(?=^School|\Z)', re.MULTILINE)
rx_grade = re.compile(r'^Grade\s*=\s*(?P<grade>.+)(?P<students>[\s\S]+?)(?=^Grade|\Z)', re.MULTILINE)
rx_student_score = re.compile(r'^Student number, Name[\n\r](?P<student_names>(?:^\d+.+[\n\r])+)\s*^Student number, Score[\n\r](?P<student_scores>(?:^\d+.+[\n\r])+)', re.MULTILINE)
School Grade Student number Name Score
0 Riverdale High 1 0 Phoebe 3
1 Riverdale High 1 1 Rachel 7
2 Riverdale High 2 0 Angela 6
3 Riverdale High 2 1 Tristan 3
4 Riverdale High 2 2 Aurora 9
5 Hogwarts 1 0 Ginny 8
6 Hogwarts 1 1 Luna 7
7 Hogwarts 2 0 Harry 5
8 Hogwarts 2 1 Hermione 10
9 Hogwarts 3 0 Fred 0
10 Hogwarts 3 1 George 0
import timeit
print(timeit.timeit(makedf, number=10**4))
# 11.918397722000009 s