The question here is the same as mine but the solution there is not working for me. I am using QtCreator 2.4.1 on Windows 7. When i try to debug a simple hello world app the
Took me some time to figure out this with Qt Creator 2.6.0 (on Windows 7), so here it is:
I was having the same problems too, and finally figured out how to solve this. Styne666 gave me a hint. Do the following:
I should further mention that if you are running a 64-bit version of Windows and a 32-bit version of Qt Creator like I am, you need to make sure that you are pointing to the 32-bit versions of cdb (of which there are x86 and x64 target versions). So for the 32-bit target builds I run this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\Debuggers\x86\cdb.exe
And for x64 builds I run this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\Debuggers\x64\cdb.exe
The tricky part is that it is somewhat difficult to get Microsoft to install the 32-bit version of the debugging tools on your 64-bit machine. A co-worker tried to do so recently and said that he needed to install the Windows 8 tools in order to have the option to do that - the Windows 7 versions would not let you.
It sounds like what I encountered on OSX with the gdb. If so, the solution for me was (within Qt Creator):
In your case, the text would likely be different (CDB instead of GDB perhaps) but the same steps may apply.
I got this error because the version of Visual Studio I had installed was much older than the version of Qt I had installed. I had Visual Studio 2015 installed, but my (much more recent) version of Qt was using Visual Studio 2019's compiler, which apparently isn't compatible with Visual Studio 2015's debugger.
The solution in my case was to uninstall and reinstall both Visual Studio and Qt to make sure I have the latest version of both. You can download the latest version of Visual Studio here (if you don't want to pay you should select "Free download" under "Community"), and you can download the latest version of Qt here.
I try, first install Visual Studio 2010,
After, then in CDB Binary
puts: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x86\mpishim100.exe
, or only download this file!..
Its the solution!!! In windows 8 64 bits!!