Trying to run a build on simulator and I get this error:
The request to open "com.companyname.appname" failed.
The request was denied by
The only thing that worked for me was:
Simulator > Reset Content And Setting
Then clean and run your project
Build Setting > Combined > Linking > Mach - o - type change to executable
This worked for me because I had changed that to static before.
I followed all the other suggestions in here, and for me, it would fix if I restart Xcode and simulator, then it would work once. After that, the issue would start happening again until I did another restart.
What fixed it for me was to delete the scheme and recreate it.
Quitting the simulator and relaunching fixed this for me.
check your scheme settings and make sure all empty settings are unchecked.
Xcode 10: Erase All content on simulator > Quit Xcode > Reopen XCode & Rebuild worked for me