How would you convert from XML to JSON and then back to XML?
The following tools work quite well, but aren\'t completely consistent:
I was using xmlToJson just to get a single value of the xml.
I found doing the following is much easier (if the xml only occurs once..)
let xml =
'<person>' +
' <id>762384324</id>' +
' <firstname>Hank</firstname> ' +
' <lastname>Stone</lastname>' +
let getXmlValue = function(str, key) {
return str.substring(
str.lastIndexOf('<' + key + '>') + ('<' + key + '>').length,
str.lastIndexOf('</' + key + '>')
alert(getXmlValue(xml, 'firstname')); // gives back Hank
A while back I wrote this tool for my TV Watchlist app, hope this helps too.
Synopsys: A library to not only convert xml to json, but is also easy to debug (without circular errors) and recreate json back to xml. Features :- Parse xml to json object. Print json object back to xml. Can be used to save xml in IndexedDB as X2J objects. Print json object.
I think this is the best one: Converting between XML and JSON
Be sure to read the accompanying article on the O'Reilly site, which goes into details of the problems with these conversions, which I think you will find enlightening. The fact that O'Reilly is hosting the article should indicate that Stefan's solution has merit.
I've created a recursive function based on regex, in case you don't want to install library and understand the logic behind what's happening:
const xmlSample = '<tag>tag content</tag><tag2>another content</tag2><tag3><insideTag>inside content</insideTag><emptyTag /></tag3>';
function parseXmlToJson(xml) {
const json = {};
for (const res of xml.matchAll(/(?:<(\w*)(?:\s[^>]*)*>)((?:(?!<\1).)*)(?:<\/\1>)|<(\w*)(?:\s*)*\/>/gm)) {
const key = res[1] || res[3];
const value = res[2] && parseXmlToJson(res[2]);
json[key] = ((value && Object.keys(value).length) ? value : res[2]) || null;
return json;
Regex explanation for each loop:
<tag />
You can check how the regex works here:
Note: In case json has a key with an undefined value, it is being removed. That's why I've inserted null at the end of line 9.
In 6 simple ES6 lines:
xml2json = xml => {
var el = xml.nodeType === 9 ? xml.documentElement : xml
var h = {name: el.nodeName}
h.content = Array.from(el.childNodes || []).filter(e => e.nodeType === 3).map(e => e.textContent).join('').trim()
h.attributes = Array.from(el.attributes || []).filter(a => a).reduce((h, a) => { h[] = a.value; return h }, {})
h.children = Array.from(el.childNodes || []).filter(e => e.nodeType === 1).map(c => h[c.nodeName] = xml2json(c))
return h
Test with echo "xml2json_example()" | node -r xml2json.es6
with source at
Here' a good tool from a documented and very famous npm library that does the xml <-> js conversions very well: differently from some (maybe all) of the above proposed solutions, it converts xml comments also.
var obj = {name: "Super", Surname: "Man", age: 23};
var builder = new xml2js.Builder();
var xml = builder.buildObject(obj);