I have a bunch of hidden images on my website. Their container DIVs have style=\"display: none\". Depending on the user\'s actions, some images may be revealed via javascrip
If you make the image a background-image of a div in CSS, when that div is set to 'display: none', the image will not load.
You can do the following for a pure CSS solution, it also makes the img box actually behave like an img box in a responsive design setting (that's what the transparent png is for), which is especially useful if your design uses responsive-dynamically-resizing images.
<img style="display: none; height: auto; width:100%; background-image:
url('img/1078x501_1.jpg'); background-size: cover;" class="center-block
visible-lg-block" src="img/400x186_trans.png" alt="pic 1">
The image will only be loaded when the media query tied to visible-lg-block is triggered and display:none is changed to display:block. The transparent png is used to allow the browser to set appropriate height:width ratios for your <img> block (and thus the background-image) in a fluid design (height: auto; width: 100%).
1078/501 = ~2.15 (large screen)
400/186 = ~2.15 (small screen)
So you end up with something like the following, for 3 different viewports:
<img style="display: none; height: auto; width:100%; background-image: url('img/1078x501_1.jpg'); background-size: cover;" class="center-block visible-lg-block" src="img/400x186_trans.png" alt="pic 1">
<img style="display: none; height: auto; width:100%; background-image: url('img/517x240_1.jpg'); background-size: cover;" class="center-block visible-md-block" src="img/400x186_trans.png" alt="pic 1">
<img style="display: none; height: auto; width:100%; background-image: url('img/400x186_1.jpg'); background-size: cover;" class="center-block visible-sm-block" src="img/400x186_trans.png" alt="pic 1">
And only your default media viewport size images load during the initial load, then afterwards, depending on your viewport, images will dynamically load.
And no javascript!