Using PHP, how can I get video information like title, description, thumbnail from a youtube video URL e.g.
Yet another URL API that can be helpful is:
video_id is "v" argument of youTube. Result is a dictionary in URL-encoded format (key1=value1&key2=value2&...)
This is undocumented API existing for long time, so exploring it is up to developer. I am aware of "status" (ok/fail), "errorcode" (100 and 150 in my practice), "reason" (string description of error). I am getting duration ("length_seconds") this way because oEmbed does not provide this information (strange, but true) and I can hardly motivate every employer to get keys from youTube to use official API
Here is a function that can return several pieces of information. I included some sample properties, but others are available:
extension_loaded('openssl') or die('openssl');
function youtube_info(string $id_s): object {
$info_s = '' . $id_s;
$get_s = file_get_contents($info_s);
parse_str($get_s, $get_m);
$resp_s = $get_m['player_response'];
return json_decode($resp_s)->microformat->playerMicroformatRenderer;
$o = youtube_info('2zPxY5WGG1E');
function to get video id from video url
function getYTid($ytURL) {
$ytvIDlen = 11; // This is the length of YouTube's video IDs
// The ID string starts after "v=", which is usually right after
// "" in the URL
$idStarts = strpos($ytURL, "?v=");
// In case the "v=" is NOT right after the "?" (not likely, but I like to keep my
// bases covered), it will be after an "&":
if($idStarts === FALSE)
$idStarts = strpos($ytURL, "&v=");
// If still FALSE, URL doesn't have a vid ID
if($idStarts === FALSE)
die("YouTube video ID not found. Please double-check your URL.");
// Offset the start location to match the beginning of the ID string
$idStarts +=3;
// Get the ID string and return it
$ytvID = substr($ytURL, $idStarts, $ytvIDlen);
return $ytvID;
and then
$video = getYTid($videourl);
$video_feed = file_get_contents("$video");
$sxml = new SimpleXmlElement($video_feed);
//set up nodes
$namespaces = $sxml->getNameSpaces(true);
$media = $sxml->children($namespaces['media']);
$yt = $media->children($namespaces['yt']);
$yt_attrs = $yt->duration->attributes();
$video_title = $sxml->title;
$video_description = $sxml->content;
$video_keywords = $media->group->keywords;
$video_length = $yt_attrs['seconds'];
I know this is an old question but I wrote a package for this purpose, I will put it here maybe someone needs this.
composer require smoqadam/youtube-video-info:dev-master
$details = $video->getDetails();
echo $details->getVideoId();
echo $details->getTitle();
echo $details->getThumbnails();
echo $details->getViewCount();
echo $details->getRating();
more info in here
You can get data from youtube oembed interface in two formats: XML and JSON
Interface address:
Use this PHP function to get data
function get_youtube($url){
$youtube = "". $url ."&format=json";
$curl = curl_init($youtube);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$return = curl_exec($curl);
return json_decode($return, true);
$url = // youtube video url
// Display Data
Don't forget to enable extension=php_curl.dll
in your php.ini
To get youtube video description
, different sized thumbnail
, tags
, etc use updated v3 googleapis
Sample URL:
$google_api_key = 'google_api_key';
$video_id = 'youtube_video_id';
$api_url = ''.$video_id.'&key='.$google_api_key;
$json = file_get_contents($api_url);
$obj = json_decode($json);