How to Print “Pretty” String Output in Python

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不知归路 2020-12-02 13:31

I have a list of dicts with the fields classid, dept, coursenum, area, and title from a sql query. I would like to output the values in a human readable format. I was thinki

  • 2020-12-02 13:55
    class TablePrinter(object):
        "Print a list of dicts as a table"
        def __init__(self, fmt, sep=' ', ul=None):
            @param fmt: list of tuple(heading, key, width)
                            heading: str, column label
                            key: dictionary key to value to print
                            width: int, column width in chars
            @param sep: string, separation between columns
            @param ul: string, character to underline column label, or None for no underlining
            self.fmt   = str(sep).join('{lb}{0}:{1}{rb}'.format(key, width, lb='{', rb='}') for heading,key,width in fmt)
            self.head  = {key:heading for heading,key,width in fmt}
            self.ul    = {key:str(ul)*width for heading,key,width in fmt} if ul else None
            self.width = {key:width for heading,key,width in fmt}
        def row(self, data):
            return self.fmt.format(**{ k:str(data.get(k,''))[:w] for k,w in self.width.iteritems() })
        def __call__(self, dataList):
            _r = self.row
            res = [_r(data) for data in dataList]
            res.insert(0, _r(self.head))
            if self.ul:
                res.insert(1, _r(self.ul))
            return '\n'.join(res)

    and in use:

    data = [
        {'classid':'foo', 'dept':'bar', 'coursenum':'foo', 'area':'bar', 'title':'foo'},
        {'classid':'yoo', 'dept':'hat', 'coursenum':'yoo', 'area':'bar', 'title':'hat'},
        {'classid':'yoo'*9, 'dept':'hat'*9, 'coursenum':'yoo'*9, 'area':'bar'*9, 'title':'hathat'*9}
    fmt = [
        ('ClassID',       'classid',   11),
        ('Dept',          'dept',       8),
        ('Course Number', 'coursenum', 20),
        ('Area',          'area',       8),
        ('Title',         'title',     30)
    print( TablePrinter(fmt, ul='=')(data) )


    ClassID     Dept     Course Number        Area     Title                         
    =========== ======== ==================== ======== ==============================
    foo         bar      foo                  bar      foo                           
    yoo         hat      yoo                  bar      hat                           
    yooyooyooyo hathatha yooyooyooyooyooyooyo barbarba hathathathathathathathathathat
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-02 14:08

    Standard Python string formatting may suffice.

    # assume that your data rows are tuples
    template = "{0:8}|{1:10}|{2:15}|{3:7}|{4:10}" # column widths: 8, 10, 15, 7, 10
    print template.format("CLASSID", "DEPT", "COURSE NUMBER", "AREA", "TITLE") # header
    for rec in your_data_source: 
      print template.format(*rec)


    # assume that your data rows are dicts
    template = "{CLASSID:8}|{DEPT:10}|{C_NUM:15}|{AREA:7}|{TITLE:10}" # same, but named
    print template.format( # header
    for rec in your_data_source: 
      print template.format(**rec)

    Play with alignment, padding, and exact format specifiers to get best results.

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  • 2020-12-02 14:09

    This function takes list comprehension to a bit of an extreme, but it accomplishes what you're looking for with optimal performance:


    1. find longest field in each column; i.e., 'max(map(len, column_vector))'
    2. for each field (left to right, top to bottom), call str.ljust to align it to the left boundary of the column it belongs to.
    3. join fields with desired amount of separating whitespace (creating a row).
    4. join collection of rows with a newline.

    row_collection: list of iterables (dicts/sets/lists), each containing data for one row.

    key_list: list that specifies what keys/indices to read from each row to form columns.

    def getPrintTable(row_collection, key_list, field_sep=' '*4):
      return '\n'.join([field_sep.join([str(row[col]).ljust(width)
        for (col, width) in zip(key_list, [max(map(len, column_vector))
          for column_vector in [ [v[k]
            for v in row_collection if k in v]
              for k in key_list ]])])
                for row in row_collection])
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-02 14:18

    You can simply left justify the string to a certain number of characters if you want to keep it simple:

    print string1.ljust(20) + string2.ljust(20)
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