I\'m cleaning up Java code for someone who starts their functions by declaring all variables up top, and initializing them to null/0/whatever, as opposed to declaring them a
I've seen people declare at the top and at the bottom of functions. I prefer the top, where I can see them quickly. It's a matter of choice and preference.
From the Java Code Conventions, Chapter 6 on Declarations:
6.3 Placement
Put declarations only at the beginning of blocks. (A block is any code surrounded by curly braces "{" and "}".) Don't wait to declare variables until their first use; it can confuse the unwary programmer and hamper code portability within the scope.
void myMethod() { int int1 = 0; // beginning of method block if (condition) { int int2 = 0; // beginning of "if" block ... } }
The one exception to the rule is indexes of for loops, which in Java can be declared in the for statement:
for (int i = 0; i < maxLoops; i++) { ... }
Avoid local declarations that hide declarations at higher levels. For example, do not declare the same variable name in an inner block:
int count; ... myMethod() { if (condition) { int count = 0; // AVOID! ... } ... }
I am doing this very same thing at the moment. All of the variables in the code that I am reworking are declared at the top of the function. I've seen as I've been looking through this that several variables are declared but NEVER used or they are declared and operations are being done with them (ie parsing a String
and then setting a Calendar
object with the date/time values from the string) but then the resulting Calendar
object is NEVER used.
I am going through and cleaning these up by taking the declarations from the top and moving them down in the function to a spot closer to where it is used.
Principle: Place local variable declarations as close to their first use as possible, and NOT simply at the top of a method. Consider this example:
/** Return true iff s is a blah or a blub. */
public boolean checkB(String s) {
// Return true if s is a blah
... code to return true if s is a blah ...
// Return true if s is a blub. */
int helpblub= s.length() + 1;
... rest of code to return true is s is a blah.
return false;
Here, local variable helpblub is placed where it is necessary, in the code to test whether s is a blub. It is part of the code that implements "Return true is s is a blub". It makes absolutely no logical sense to put the declaration of helpblub as the first statement of the method. The poor reader would wonder, why is that variable there? What is it for?
The proper way is to declare variables exactly when they are first used and minimize their scope in order to make the code easier to understand.
Declaring variables at the top of functions is a holdover from C (where it was required), and has absolutely no advantages (variable scope exists only in the source code, in the byte code all local variables exist in sequence on the stack anyway). Just don't do it, ever.
Some people may try to defend the practice by claiming that it is "neater", but any need to "organize" code within a method is usually a strong indication that the method is simply too long.
I've found that declaring them as-needed results in fewer mistakes than declaring them at the beginning. I've also found that declaring them at the minimum scope possible to also prevent mistakes.
When I looked at the byte-code generated by the location of the declaration few years ago, I found they were more-or-less identical. There were ocassionally differences depending on when they were assigned. Even something like:
for(Object o : list) {
Object temp = ...; //was not "redeclared" every loop iteration
Object temp;
for(Object o : list) {
temp = ...; //nearly identical bytecoode, if not exactly identical.
Came out more or less identical