I\'m testing some python code that parses command line input. Is there a way to pass this input in through IDLE? Currently I\'m saving in the IDLE editor and running from a
Command-line arguments have been added to IDLE in Python 3.7.4+. To auto-detect (any and older) versions of IDLE, and prompt for command-line argument values, you may paste (something like) this into the beginning of your code:
#! /usr/bin/env python3
import sys
def ok(x=None):
if 'idlelib.rpc' in sys.modules:
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
tk.Label(root, text="Command-line Arguments:").pack()
e = tk.Entry(root)
tk.Button(root, text="OK", command=ok,
root.bind("<Return>", ok)
root.bind("<Escape>", lambda x: root.destroy())
You would follow that with your regular code. ie. print(sys.argv)
Note that with IDLE in Python 3.7.4+, when using the Run... Customized
command, it is NOT necessary to import sys
to access argv
If used in python 2.6/2.7 then be sure to capitalize: import Tkinter as tk
For this example I've tried to strike a happy balance between features & brevity. Feel free to add or take away features, as needed!
import sys
sys.argv = [sys.argv[0], '-arg1', 'val1', '-arg2', 'val2']
//If you're passing command line for 'help' or 'verbose' you can say as:
sys.argv = [sys.argv[0], '-h']
Answer from veganaiZe produces a KeyError outside IDLE with python 3.6.3. This can be solved by replacing if sys.modules['idlelib']:
by if 'idlelib' in sys.modules:
as below.
import argparse
# Check if we are using IDLE
if 'idlelib' in sys.modules:
# IDLE is present ==> we are in test mode
print("""====== TEST MODE =======""")
args = parser.parse_args([list of args])
# It's command line, this is production mode.
args = parser.parse_args()
Based on the post by danben, here is my solution that works in IDLE:
sys.argv = ['fibo3_5.py', '30']
print(str('Then try some other way.'))
#! /usr/bin/env python3
import sys
# Prompt user for (optional) command line arguments, when run from IDLE:
if 'idlelib' in sys.modules: sys.argv.extend(input("Args: ").split())
Change "input" to "raw_input" for Python2.