I\'m looking for a built-in function/extended function in T-SQL for string manipulation similar to the String.Format
method in .NET.
There is a way, but it has its limitations. You can use the FORMATMESSAGE()
function. It allows you to format a string using formatting similar to the printf()
function in C.
However, the biggest limitation is that it will only work with messages in the sys.messages table. Here's an article about it: microsoft_library_ms186788
It's kind of a shame there isn't an easier way to do this, because there are times when you want to format a string/varchar in the database. Hopefully you are only looking to format a string in a standard way and can use the sys.messages
Coincidentally, you could also use the RAISERROR()
function with a very low severity, the documentation for raiseerror even mentions doing this, but the results are only printed. So you wouldn't be able to do anything with the resulting value (from what I understand).
Good luck!
Not exactly, but I would check out some of the articles on string handling (amongst other things) by "Phil Factor" (geddit?) on Simple Talk.
Actually there is no built in function similar to string.Format function of .NET is available in SQL server.
There is a function FORMATMESSAGE() in SQL server but it mimics to printf() function of C not string.Format function of .NET.
SELECT FORMATMESSAGE('This is the %s and this is the %s.', 'first variable', 'second variable') AS Result
Raw t-sql is limited to CHARINDEX(), PATINDEX(), REPLACE(), and SUBSTRING() for string manipulation. But with sql server 2005 and later you can set up user defined functions that run in .Net, which means setting up a string.format() UDF shouldn't be too tough.
One more idea.
Although this is not a universal solution - it is simple and works, at least for me :)
For one placeholder {0}:
create function dbo.Format1
@String nvarchar(4000),
@Param0 sql_variant
returns nvarchar(4000)
declare @Null nvarchar(4) = N'NULL';
return replace(@String, N'{0}', cast(isnull(@Param0, @Null) as nvarchar(4000)));
For two placeholders {0} and {1}:
create function dbo.Format2
@String nvarchar(4000),
@Param0 sql_variant,
@Param1 sql_variant
returns nvarchar(4000)
declare @Null nvarchar(4) = N'NULL';
set @String = replace(@String, N'{0}', cast(isnull(@Param0, @Null) as nvarchar(4000)));
return replace(@String, N'{1}', cast(isnull(@Param1, @Null) as nvarchar(4000)));
For three placeholders {0}, {1} and {2}:
create function dbo.Format3
@String nvarchar(4000),
@Param0 sql_variant,
@Param1 sql_variant,
@Param2 sql_variant
returns nvarchar(4000)
declare @Null nvarchar(4) = N'NULL';
set @String = replace(@String, N'{0}', cast(isnull(@Param0, @Null) as nvarchar(4000)));
set @String = replace(@String, N'{1}', cast(isnull(@Param1, @Null) as nvarchar(4000)));
return replace(@String, N'{2}', cast(isnull(@Param2, @Null) as nvarchar(4000)));
and so on...
Such an approach allows us to use these functions in SELECT statement and with parameters of nvarchar, number, bit and datetime datatypes.
For example:
declare @Param0 nvarchar(10) = N'IPSUM' ,
@Param1 int = 1234567 ,
@Param2 datetime2(0) = getdate();
select dbo.Format3(N'Lorem {0} dolor, {1} elit at {2}', @Param0, @Param1, @Param2);
I think there is small correction while calculating end position.
Here is correct function
**>>**IF OBJECT_ID( N'[dbo].[FormatString]', 'FN' ) IS NOT NULL
DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[FormatString]
Object Name : FormatString
Purpose : Returns the formatted string.
Original Author : Karthik D V http://stringformat-in-sql.blogspot.com/
Sample Call:
SELECT dbo.FormatString ( N'Format {0} {1} {2} {0}', N'1,2,3' )
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FormatString](
@Format NVARCHAR(4000) ,
@Parameters NVARCHAR(4000)
--DECLARE @Format NVARCHAR(4000), @Parameters NVARCHAR(4000) select @format='{0}{1}', @Parameters='hello,world'
DECLARE @Message NVARCHAR(400), @Delimiter CHAR(1)
DECLARE @ParamTable TABLE ( ID INT IDENTITY(0,1), Parameter VARCHAR(1000) )
Declare @startPos int, @endPos int
SELECT @Message = @Format, @Delimiter = ','**>>**
--handle first parameter
set @endPos=CHARINDEX(@Delimiter,@Parameters)
if (@endPos=0 and @Parameters is not null) --there is only one parameter
insert into @ParamTable (Parameter) values(@Parameters)
else begin
insert into @ParamTable (Parameter) select substring(@Parameters,0,@endPos)
while @endPos>0
--insert a row for each parameter in the
set @startPos = @endPos + LEN(@Delimiter)
set @endPos = CHARINDEX(@Delimiter,@Parameters, @startPos)
if (@endPos>0)
insert into @ParamTable (Parameter)
select substring(@Parameters,@startPos,@endPos - @startPos)
insert into @ParamTable (Parameter)
select substring(@Parameters,@startPos,4000)
UPDATE @ParamTable SET @Message =
REPLACE ( @Message, '{'+CONVERT(VARCHAR,ID) + '}', Parameter )
RETURN @Message
grant execute,references on dbo.formatString to public