Using gradle to find dependency tree

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-上瘾入骨i 2020-11-22 03:20

Is it possible to use gradle to produce a tree of what depends on what?

I have a project and would like to find out all the dependencies so I may be able to prune it

  • 2020-11-22 03:21

    If you want to visualize your dependencies in a graph you can use gradle-dependency-graph-generator plugin.

    Generally the output of this plugin can be found in build/reports/dependency-graph directory and it contains three files (.dot|.png|.svg) if you are using the 0.5.0 version of the plugin.

    Example of dependences graph in a real app (Chess Clock):

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  • 2020-11-22 03:21

    Note that you may need to do something like ./gradlew <module_directory>:<module_name>:dependencies if the module has extra directory before reach its build.gradle. When in doubt, do ./gradlew tasks --all to check the name.

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  • 2020-11-22 03:22

    I also found useful to run this:

    ./gradlew dI --dependency <your library>

    This shows how are being dependencies resolved (dependencyInsight) and help you debugging into where do you need to force or exclude libraries in your build.gradle


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  • 2020-11-22 03:22

    If you want all the dependencies in a single file at the end within two steps. Add this to your build.gradle.kts in the root of your project:

    project.rootProject.allprojects {
        this.task("allDependencies", DependencyReportTask::class) {

    Then apply:

    ./gradlew allDependencies | grep '\-\-\-' | grep -Po '\w+.*$' | awk -F ' ' '{ print $1 }' | sort | grep -v '\{' | grep -v '\[' | uniq | grep '.\+:.\+:.\+'

    This will give you all the dependencies in your project and sub-projects along with all the 3rd party dependencies.

    If you want to get this done in a programmatic way, then you'll need a custom renderer of the dependencies - you can start by extending the AsciiDependencyReportRenderer that prints an ascii graph of the dependencies by default.

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  • 2020-11-22 03:28

    In Android Studio

    1) Open terminal and ensure you are at project's root folder.

    2) Run ./gradlew app:dependencies (if not using gradle wrapper, try gradle app:dependencies)

    Note that running ./gradle dependencies will only give you dependency tree of project's root folder, so mentioning app in above manner, i.e. ./gradlew app:dependencies is important.

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  • 2020-11-22 03:30

    For Android, type this in terminal

    gradlew app:dependencies

    It will list all the dependencies and the ones with newer versions for you to upgrade like -> 27.1.1 (*)
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