I would like to know what the best Scala imitation of Groovy\'s safe-dereference operator (?.), or at least some close alternatives are?
I\'ve discussed it breifly o
Monadic bind (flatMap/map) with the scala.Option type. Support is also provided by for-comprehensions. Scalaz provides an applicative functor style if you prefer.
This is not equivalent, but a far better solution than Groovy's operator for many reasons.
Not mine but a coworker's
class NullCoalescer[T <: AnyRef](target: T) {
def ?? (other: T) =
if(target == null) other else target
object NullCoalescerConversions {
implicit def toNullCoalescer[T <: AnyRef](target: T): NullCoalescer[T] =
new NullCoalescer(target)
println (System.getProperty("maybe") ?? "definitely")