Recently upgraded to Android Studio from 2.2.3 to 2., running on Win10
Emulator stopped working since then. Tried installing other images(25 rev 4)/upgrading for AVD
I already have Emulator installed. But still had the same problem this morning with Ubuntu 16.04
and Android Studio 2.3
,Below is what I did and it worked.
Double Check to see if these are available:
sudo apt-get install lib64stdc++6:i386
sudo apt-get install mesa-utils
Locate the lib64 folder. On Ubuntu 64 bit, its located under ~/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64.
In terminal, Navigate to the ~/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64
folder ,then run the following commands:
move the libstdc++ file inside the folder libstdc++.bak and provide softlink
mv libstdc++/ libstdc++.bak
ln -s /usr/lib64/ libstdc++
I had to turn off Parallels Desktop and it started working again without reboot.
Upgrade your Display driver ... this worked for me!
I tried doing a “Cold Boot Now” in the device, but got an error saying: AVD Pixel_API_24 is already running. If that is not the case, delete the files at /.android/avd/Pixel_API_24.avd/*.lock
After deleting a .lock
file in the suggested folder the “Cold Boot Now” worked and the device was back to normal.
Restarting the computer solved it for me.
I couldn't get any solutions working and I tried almost every solution. What actually worked for me was something I accidentally stumbled upon. I opened two Android Studio applications and ran one and let it stay "waiting for target device to come online" and went to my other app that I want to run and run that but there will be an option under connected devices when you go to choose your avd, choose that one. It will connect to the avd you are using in the first app you ran and work.