Is there a method in html which makes the webpage scroll to a specific Element using HTML !?
The above answers are good and correct. However, the code may not give the expected results. Allow me to add something to explain why this is very important.
It is true that adding the scroll-behavior: smooth to the html element allows smooth scrolling for the whole page. However not all web browsers support smooth scrolling using HTML.
So if you want to create a website accessible to all user, regardless of their web browsers, it is highly recommended to use JavaScript or a JavaScript library such as jQuery, to create a solution that will work for all browsers.
Otherwise, some users may not enjoy the smooth scrolling of your website / platform.
I can give a simpler example on how it can be applicable.
<script src=""></script>
// Add smooth scrolling to all links
$("a").on('click', function(event) {
// Make sure this.hash has a value before overriding default behavior
if (this.hash !== "") {
// Prevent default anchor click behavior
// Store hash
var hash = this.hash;
// Using jQuery's animate() method to add smooth page scroll
// The optional number (800) specifies the number of milliseconds it takes to scroll to the specified area
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $(hash).offset().top
}, 800, function(){
// Add hash (#) to URL when done scrolling (default click behavior)
window.location.hash = hash;
} // End if
#section1 {
height: 600px;
background-color: pink;
#section2 {
height: 600px;
background-color: yellow;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Smooth Scroll</h1>
<div class="main" id="section1">
<h2>Section 1</h2>
<p>Click on the link to see the "smooth" scrolling effect.</p>
<a href="#section2">Click Me to Smooth Scroll to Section 2 Below</a>
<p>Note: Remove the scroll-behavior property to remove smooth scrolling.</p>
<div class="main" id="section2">
<h2>Section 2</h2>
<a href="#section1">Click Me to Smooth Scroll to Section 1 Above</a>
Should you want to resort to using a plug-in, malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin, could do the job. It performs an actual scroll, not just a jump. You can even specify the speed/momentum of scroll. It also lets you set up a menu (list of links to scroll to), which have their CSS changed based on whether the anchors-to-scroll-to are in viewport, and other useful features.
There are demo on the author's site and let our company site serve as a real-world example too.
Year 2020. Now we have element.scrollIntoView()
method to scroll to specific element.
<div id="my_element">
var my_element = document.getElementById("my_element");
behavior: "smooth",
block: "start",
inline: "nearest"
Good thing is we can initiate this from any onclick/event and need not be limited to tag.
Yes, you may use an anchor by specifying the id
attribute of an element and then linking to it with a hash.
For example (taken from the W3 specification):
You may read more about this in <A href="#section2">Section Two</A>.
...later in the document
<H2 id="section2">Section Two</H2>
...later in the document
<P>Please refer to <A href="#section2">Section Two</A> above
for more details.