FFmpeg on Android

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谎友^ 2020-11-22 03:09

I have got FFmpeg compiled (libffmpeg.so) on Android. Now I have to build either an application like RockPlayer or use existing Android multimedia framework to invoke FFmpeg

  • 2020-11-22 03:37

    Strange that this project hasn't been mentioned: AndroidFFmpeg from Appunite

    It has quite detailed step-by-step instructions to copy/paste to command line, for lazy people like me ))

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 03:38

    After a lot of research, right now this is the most updated compiled library for Android that I found:


    • At this moment is using FFmpeg release n4.0-39-gda39990
    • Includes FFmpeg and FFProbe
    • Contains Java interface to launch the commands
    • FFprobe or FFmpeg could be removed from the APK, check the wiki https://github.com/bravobit/FFmpeg-Android/wiki
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 03:38

    To make my FFMPEG application I used this project (https://github.com/hiteshsondhi88/ffmpeg-android-java) so, I don't have to compile anything. I think it's the easy way to use FFMPEG in our Android applications.

    More info on http://hiteshsondhi88.github.io/ffmpeg-android-java/

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 03:41

    First, add the dependency of FFmpeg library

    implementation 'com.writingminds:FFmpegAndroid:0.3.2'

    Then load in activity

    FFmpeg ffmpeg;
        private void trimVideo(ProgressDialog progressDialog) {
        outputAudioMux = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_MOVIES).getAbsolutePath()
                + "/VidEffectsFilter" + "/" + new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMyyyy_HHmmss").format(new Date())
                + "filter_apply.mp4";
        if (startTrim.equals("")) {
            startTrim = "00:00:00";
        if (endTrim.equals("")) {
            endTrim = timeTrim(player.getDuration());
        String[] cmd = new String[]{"-ss", startTrim + ".00", "-t", endTrim + ".00", "-noaccurate_seek", "-i", videoPath, "-codec", "copy", "-avoid_negative_ts", "1", outputAudioMux};
        execFFmpegBinary1(cmd, progressDialog);
        private void execFFmpegBinary1(final String[] command, ProgressDialog prpg) {
        ProgressDialog progressDialog = prpg;
        try {
            ffmpeg.execute(command, new ExecuteBinaryResponseHandler() {
                public void onFailure(String s) {
                    Toast.makeText(PlayerTestActivity.this, "Fail to generate video", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                    Log.d(TAG, "FAILED with output : " + s);
                public void onSuccess(String s) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "SUCCESS wgith output : " + s);
    //                    pathVideo = outputAudioMux;
                    String finalPath = outputAudioMux;
                    videoPath = outputAudioMux;
                    Toast.makeText(PlayerTestActivity.this, "Storage Path =" + finalPath, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                    Intent intent = new Intent(PlayerTestActivity.this, ShareVideoActivity.class);
                    intent.putExtra("pathGPU", finalPath);
                    MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(PlayerTestActivity.this, new String[]{finalPath}, new String[]{"mp4"}, null);
                public void onProgress(String s) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "Started gcommand : ffmpeg " + command);
                    progressDialog.setMessage("Please Wait video triming...");
                public void onStart() {
                    Log.d(TAG, "Startedf command : ffmpeg " + command);
                public void onFinish() {
                    Log.d(TAG, "Finished f command : ffmpeg " + command);
        } catch (FFmpegCommandAlreadyRunningException e) {
            // do nothing for now
      private void loadFFMpegBinary() {
        try {
            if (ffmpeg == null) {
                ffmpeg = FFmpeg.getInstance(this);
            ffmpeg.loadBinary(new LoadBinaryResponseHandler() {
                public void onFailure() {
                public void onSuccess() {
                    Log.d("dd", "ffmpeg : correct Loaded");
        } catch (FFmpegNotSupportedException e) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.d("dd", "EXception no controlada : " + e);
    private void showUnsupportedExceptionDialog() {
        new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .setTitle("Not Supported")
                .setMessage("Device Not Supported")
                .setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

    Also use another feature by FFmpeg

    ===> merge audio to video
    String[] cmd = new String[]{"-i", yourRealPath, "-i", arrayList.get(posmusic).getPath(), "-map", "1:a", "-map", "0:v", "-codec", "copy", "-shortest", outputcrop};
    ===> Flip vertical :
    String[] cm = new String[]{"-i", yourRealPath, "-vf", "vflip", "-codec:v", "libx264", "-preset", "ultrafast", "-codec:a", "copy", outputcrop1};
    ===> Flip horizontally :  
    String[] cm = new String[]{"-i", yourRealPath, "-vf", "hflip", "-codec:v", "libx264", "-preset", "ultrafast", "-codec:a", "copy", outputcrop1};
    ===> Rotate 90 degrees clockwise:
    String[] cm=new String[]{"-i", yourRealPath, "-c", "copy", "-metadata:s:v:0", "rotate=90", outputcrop1};
    ===> Compress Video
    String[] complexCommand = {"-y", "-i", yourRealPath, "-strict", "experimental", "-vcodec", "libx264", "-preset", "ultrafast", "-crf", "24", "-acodec", "aac", "-ar", "22050", "-ac", "2", "-b", "360k", "-s", "1280x720", outputcrop1};
    ===> Speed up down video
    String[] complexCommand = {"-y", "-i", yourRealPath, "-filter_complex", "[0:v]setpts=2.0*PTS[v];[0:a]atempo=0.5[a]", "-map", "[v]", "-map", "[a]", "-b:v", "2097k", "-r", "60", "-vcodec", "mpeg4", outputcrop1};
    String[] complexCommand = {"-y", "-i", yourRealPath, "-filter_complex", "[0:v]setpts=1.0*PTS[v];[0:a]atempo=1.0[a]", "-map", "[v]", "-map", "[a]", "-b:v", "2097k", "-r", "60", "-vcodec", "mpeg4", outputcrop1};
    String[] complexCommand = {"-y", "-i", yourRealPath, "-filter_complex", "[0:v]setpts=0.75*PTS[v];[0:a]atempo=1.5[a]", "-map", "[v]", "-map", "[a]", "-b:v", "2097k", "-r", "60", "-vcodec", "mpeg4", outputcrop1};
    String[] complexCommand = {"-y", "-i", yourRealPath, "-filter_complex", "[0:v]setpts=0.5*PTS[v];[0:a]atempo=2.0[a]", "-map", "[v]", "-map", "[a]", "-b:v", "2097k", "-r", "60", "-vcodec", "mpeg4", outputcrop1};
    ===> Add two mp3 files 
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append("-i ");
    sb.append(" -i ");
    sb.append(" -filter_complex [0:0][1:0]concat=n=2:v=0:a=1[out] -map [out] ");
    ---> ffmpeg.execute(sb.toString().split(" "), new ExecuteBinaryResponseHandler()
    ===> Add three mp3 files
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append("-i ");
    sb.append(" -i ");
    sb.append(" -i ");
    sb.append(" -filter_complex [0:0][1:0][2:0]concat=n=3:v=0:a=1[out] -map [out] ");
    ---> ffmpeg.execute(sb.toString().split(" "), new ExecuteBinaryResponseHandler()
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