Is there any way to check whether or not the current thread is the main thread in Objective-C?
I want to do something like this.
- (void)someMethod
let isOnMainQueue = (dispatch_queue_get_label(dispatch_get_main_queue()) == dispatch_queue_get_label(DISPATCH_CURRENT_QUEUE_LABEL))
check this answer from
UPDATE: seems that is not correct solution, according to queue.h header as mentioned @demosten
The first thought was brought to me, when I was needed this functionality was the line:
dispatch_get_main_queue() == dispatch_get_current_queue();
And had looked to the accepted solution:
[NSThread isMainThread];
mine solution 2.5 times faster.
PS And yes, I'd checked, it works for all threads
In Swift3
if Thread.isMainThread {
print("Main Thread")
If you want to know whether or not you're on the main thread, you can simply use the debugger. Set a breakpoint at the line you're interested in, and when your program reaches it, call this:
(lldb) thread info
This will display information about the thread you're on:
(lldb) thread info
thread #1: tid = 0xe8ad0, 0x00000001083515a0 MyApp`MyApp.ViewController.sliderMoved (sender=0x00007fd221486340, self=0x00007fd22161c1a0)(ObjectiveC.UISlider) -> () + 112 at ViewController.swift:20, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 2.1
If the value for queue
, then you're on the main thread.
If you want a method to be executed on the main thread, you can:
- (void)someMethod
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
// Code for the method goes here
if ([NSThread isMainThread])
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), block);
void ensureOnMainQueue(void (^block)(void)) {
if ([[NSOperationQueue currentQueue] isEqual:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]]) {
} else {
[[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^{
note that i check the operation queue, not the thread, as this is a more safer approach